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.’‘So do I.’He sat up abruptly, his face stern.‘Don’t say things like that, Rose.’She met his eyes head-on.‘I’m just making it clear I’m as much to blame as you.’‘If I hadn’t started it would you have kissed me?’‘No way!’ Rose smiled crookedly.‘I didn’t think you—well—thought of me that way.’‘I didn’t think I did, either.’ James shook his head slowly.‘It’s Greg’s fault.’‘Your friend at the track?’‘Yes.When he offered to carry you back this morning I could have thumped him.I almost told him to take his hands off—because you belonged to me.’ He smiled a little.‘You can laugh if you like.’Rose shook her head, a dazed look in her eyes.She slid off his lap and stood up, at a loss how to respond to his mind-blowing revelation.‘It’s getting late.I should go.’James eyed her moodily as he got up.‘You won’t be able to run with that foot for a day or two.’‘No.’ Rose began tying back her hair to hide her desolation.‘What do you usually do in the evenings?’‘Go for a drink in the union, or see a film.Con’s got a VCR so sometimes we rent a video instead.’ Rose gave him a wry little smile.‘And sometimes, believe it or not, I just stay in my room and work.’He smoothed a stray lock of hair back from her forehead, his smile so openly possessive her pulse-rate rocketed.‘So you’re not here just to have a good time like some of the others.What do you have in mind to do when you—?’‘Grow up?’ said Rose tartly.‘I was going to say qualify, Miss Dryden,’ he contradicted, in such ultra refined Morningside accents Rose giggled.‘Miss Jean Brodie to the life.’‘Doubting my sexual preferences again?’ he growled, and pulled her into his arms.‘I thought I’d convinced you.’‘Convince me again!’ she whispered, and he let out an explosive breath and kissed her so fiercely the difference in their height almost overbalanced them.‘I was wrong,’ James groaned at last.‘You’re very definitely a girl, complete with a full set of everything to drive a man crazy.And now it is time you went.’ He thrust her away.‘Go and tidy up in the bathroom.Mrs Bradley will probably want to say goodnight.’On the short journey back to the flat both of them discussed the film with determination, doing their best to behave as though their passionate exchange had never happened, and when James parked at the entrance to the building Rose said goodnight, shot out of the car and ran up the stairs as fast as her sore foot allowed.‘You’re late,’ said Con, looking worried.Fabia pulled Rose into their room, her eyes sparkling.‘How was it? Did he hold your hand in the dark? Did he kiss you goodnight this time?’‘For heaven’s sake,’ said Rose, laughing.‘I don’t ask what you’re up to when you’re out with Will.’‘Just as well!’ Con rolled her eyes, then smiled affectionately.‘You obviously had a great time.’Rose nodded blissfully.‘We went back to his place.His landlady’s nice.She had things ready for us to make sandwiches.’Fabia pounced.‘Where did you eat them?’‘In his room again.’‘Are we talking bedroom, here?’‘No.It’s just a sitting room.He must sleep somewhere else.’ Rose yawned.‘Now, if it’s all right by you, I’d like to go to bed and get off this foot.’‘Is it still sore?’ demanded Con.‘Sit down and show me.’Rose obediently removed sock and shoe and tore off the dressing, wiggling her foot at the others.‘Seems all right,’ said Fabia.‘A bit red and tender-looking, though.I’ll slosh on some antiseptic and stick another plaster on for you.’‘You definitely can’t go running again for a bit,’ said Con regretfully.‘Has Sinclair said anything about another meeting?’‘No.’ Rose looked guilty.‘I got out of the car in a rush so he wouldn’t think I was hinting at one.’The phone saved her from a storm of scolding from her friends.‘Yes, she’s here,’ said Con, eyes sparkling.‘Hang on a second.’She tossed the receiver to Rose, hauled Fabia bodily out of the room and shut the door.‘Why the blazes did you chase off so fast, Rose?’ Demanded James irately.‘You didn’t even give me a chance to kiss you goodnight.’Rose said nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
