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.Then her thoughts jumped to Naomi.What would she be doing, alone there at Chagleigh? Ashamed, she realized that she hadn’t telephoned since they’d been living by the harbour.‘I must ring Auntie,’ she said, putting the chunky wine glass belonging to the house on the table.‘I haven’t spoken to her for ages and I promised I would keep her in the picture.’‘I supposed you must have found a telephone somewhere when you’d been cycling,’ Julian said.‘However, I call her most evenings.’‘Did she tell you I hadn’t spoken to her? I feel awful, letting the days go like that.’‘I tell her that you are busy helping Deirdre to bed.She always understands.She probably has too much on her own mind to even notice; too much for any of us to be much help to her, I fear.If you ring her with your news, tell her I shall phone shortly.Today she had a helper starting, a woman who served in the Women’s Land Army during the war.She can’t go on as she is, and she refuses to engage a man to take on your uncle’s work.’‘You tell her about Giles and me, Mr Masters.Say that I’ll speak to her tomorrow when we have a date fixed.I know she’d love to be here for the wedding, but it’s just not possible.’ Tessa remembered how resentful she’d felt towards Richard when his mother was dying.Her understanding had come a long way in a year and a half.So Julian went off to use the coin-operated telephone in the porch of Pedro’s, a local café frequented by the fisherfolk.No one referred to what he’d said about speaking to her most evenings; uppermost in Deirdre’s mind was the excitement of a wedding, while in Tessa’s imagination were the years ahead of her when they would make that lovely house on the hill their home.‘I need a cigarette,’ Giles said.‘Are we supposed to obey that inelegant notice?’ He pointed to a card stuck to the wall above the mantelpiece on which was written in bold letters, PROHIBIDO FUMAR.‘Afraid so,’ Deirdre chuckled.‘Señora whatever-her-name-is was really insistent, and she comes in every morning and Daddy says she warned him that she has a nose like a bloodhound.’‘I’m off to look at the sea and have a cigarette.’ And that’s where he was when Julian retuned from talking to Naomi.The storm had blown away and the evening was still.In the lamplight he could see the fishing boats swaying gently in the harbour.Out with the dawn, home with the setting sun.did that make for a secure, peaceful, contented life? For him it wouldn’t.He needed the stimulation of a changing scene, new people to meet, new challenges.Christ, but he’d got a challenge now! Of course he loved Tessa.Physically she filled his every desire, just as he’d known she would from the day he’d first set eyes on her.Sex – surely that had to be the most important thing in any marriage.Imagine being tied to a woman of intellect, a woman with interests in world affairs, even all that and beauty, too – it would ultimately count for nothing if she hadn’t a sexual appetite akin to his own.But marriage.unchanging routine.faithful to one woman – could he make himself adjust to that way of living?So deep in thought was he that he didn’t notice Julian approaching, realizing he was there only when the flame from a cigarette lighter made him turn his head.‘Didn’t hear you,’ he said.‘I was just thinking.’ Then, hearing his worried tone, he flourished the hand which held the cigarette.‘And obeying instructions.’Julian laughed.‘And you haven’t even met the lady.I wouldn’t want to cross her.Why in heaven’s name didn’t you contact Tessa in all these weeks?’Just for a moment Giles hesitated, tempted to give a truthful answer.But what would be the point? ‘You know me, Julian – I never tie myself to dates.And to be honest, after our being together for a fortnight earlier in the summer, we couldn’t go back to living as we had before.We both knew Richard Pilbeam wouldn’t see me as a suitable husband for her – and perhaps he would have been right – that’s why we decided to wait until she comes of age.She deserves someone her own age, not a man old enough to be her father and pretty soiled with living.’‘What she deserves is a man who will be faithful to her and give her the love she needs and deserves.Whatever you’ve done in the past, that was before you knew her.She’s a very special girl and you’re a lucky man.’‘You and Deirdre will stay for the wedding? I’ll get things sorted out in the morning.Meanwhile, I’d better be getting home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
