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.Two hours of no response, and he was beside himself.He’d called Pete and had his friend drive over and check out the cabin for himself.“The door was locked,” Pete explained, “so I couldn’t get inside.What did she lock it for?”“Lesley’s from the city—they lock everything there,” Chase said, trying to figure out where she could’ve gone.“When she heard how small Twin Creeks was, she seemed upset,” Pete said, sounding guilty.“We already settled that,” Chase said irritably.“Where could she be?” The dangers she could encounter raced through his mind.“Do you think she might have wandered away from the cabin?”“No.”Chase stiffened.“What makes you so certain?”“The truck’s gone.”“The truck! Well, why didn’t you say so earlier?”He felt Pete’s hesitation.“There’s something you’re not telling me.”“Chase, you’re my best friend.I don’t want to be the one to tell you your wife walked out on you.”“What? She left?” The constriction in his chest produced a sharp pain.“She drove?” His heart did a wild tumble as he calculated how long it would take him to rent a car and catch up with her.“No,” Pete said, “she went out to the field and parked the car there.She paid Jim Perkins to fly her into Fairbanks.”“Without a word to anyone, she just…up and left?”“I’m sorry, Chase, I really am.”“What time will she be landing?”“Not sure.All I know is what I heard from Johnny at the field.He only heard part of the conversation.What are you gonna do?”“I don’t know yet.” Chase was in shock.His wife of less than a week had deserted him.“You aren’t gonna let her go, are you?”“No.” He’d find Lesley, somehow, someway, and convince her to give their marriage another chance.Twelve“Mom.” Lesley ran forward and hugged her mother as June Campbell-Sterne entered the arrivals lounge.Unexpected tears sprang to Lesley’s eyes and she blinked them back, surprised by the emotion.The tears were most likely due to the restless night she’d spent in a hotel close to the airport.Apparently Chase hadn’t returned to Twin Creeks the way he’d assumed, otherwise he would’ve seen her message or answered her calls.She’d tried the home phone and his cell, with no results.He must be someplace here in Fairbanks.Unfortunately Lesley hadn’t asked him for the name of his hotel, since he’d originally planned to be in town only one night.It seemed ridiculous to contact every hotel in town and ask for Chase.She’d probably be back in Twin Creeks before her husband.“Let me get a good look at you,” June insisted, taking a step back while holding Lesley’s shoulders.Her mother had tears in her eyes, as well.“Oh, sweetie, how are you?”“I feel wonderful.See! Married life agrees with me.” She slipped an arm around her mother’s waist and together they strolled toward the luggage carousels.“I’ll admit to being curious about your husband.Honestly, Lesley, what kind of man advertises for a wife?”Lesley laughed, remembering that her own response had been similar.“He’s not crazy—just resourceful.”“I don’t mind telling you, this whole thing has both Ken and me concerned.It just isn’t like you to marry a virtual stranger and take off to the ends of the earth.”“It isn’t as bad as it seems.”Her mother sighed expressively.She was exhausted, as Lesley could well understand.“When will I meet Chase?” was June’s next question.Lesley wasn’t entirely sure.“Soon,” she promised.“Listen, I got us a hotel room.You’re going to need to catch your breath before we fly to Twin Creeks.”“I don’t mind telling you, this felt like the longest flight of my life.I had to fly from Helena to Seattle, then wait for hours before I could get this flight.” She shook her head.“I can’t see you living in Alaska and liking it.You’ve lived in a big city all your life.”“You love Montana, don’t you?”“Yes, but that’s different.Ken and I are retired.”“It isn’t different at all.I’ve only been in Alaska for a short while and I love it already.”Her mother pinched her lips together as if to keep from saying something argumentative.“If it’s all the same to you, Lesley, I’d prefer to push on.I’ll rest once we reach your home and I meet this man you’ve married.Then and only then will I truly relax.”That posed a problem.“We can’t, Mom.”“Can’t do what? Meet Chase? I wondered why he wasn’t here to greet me.One would think he’d be eager to meet your family.I don’t imagine you’ve met his, either, have you?”“Mom,” Lesley said impatiently.She was troubled by the way her mother was so willing to find fault with Chase and her marriage.No doubt that was Tony’s doing.Even now, he was haunting her life.More and more she’d come to realize that Tony had never really loved her.Even more enlightening was the realization that she no longer loved him.She couldn’t feel as strongly as she did for Chase if she loved Tony.She missed Chase terribly.“What?” June snapped.“Stop trying to make Chase into some fiend.He’s not.”“You still haven’t told me why he sent you to the airport by yourself,” she said, in that superior way that had driven Lesley to the brink of hysteria as a teenager.“Mother, Chase has a job.He was away on business when you called.And the reason we can’t leave yet is that we can’t get a flight until tomorrow.”“I will be meeting him later then?”“Of course.” Lesley just wasn’t sure exactly when.They stood at the luggage carousel for several minutes until June collected her one large suitcase and her cosmetic case.Lesley took the larger of the two bags and carried it outside to the taxi line.Her mother was worn out, and by the time they arrived at the hotel room, Lesley was glad that Jim couldn’t get them until the following morning.She was supposed to call this afternoon to confirm it.“Would you like me to order you something to eat?” Lesley asked.“No, thanks.” June politely covered her mouth for a loud yawn.“If you don’t mind, I’ll lie back and just close my eyes.”“Of course I don’t mind.Relax, Mom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
