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.The discovery of the Ark produced very different effects on our two adventurers.As soon as the canoe could be got round to the proper opening, Hurry leaped on board, and in a minute was closely engaged in a gay, and a sort of recriminating discourse with Judith, apparently forgetful of the existence of all the rest of the world.Not so with Deerslayer.He entered the Ark with a slow, cautious step, examining every arrangement of the cover, with curious and scrutinizing eyes.It is true, he cast one admiring glance at Judith, which was extorted by her brilliant and singular beauty, but even this could detain him but a single instant from the indulgence of his interest in Hutter's contrivances.Step by step did he look into the construction of the singular abode, investigate its fastenings and strength, ascertain its means of defence, and make every inquiry that would be likely to occur to one whose thoughts dwelt principally on such expedients.Nor was the cover neglected.Of this he examined the whole minutely, his commendation escaping him more than once in audible comments.Frontier usages admitting of this familiarity, he passed through the rooms, as he had previously done at the ›Castle‹, and opening a door issued into the end of the scow opposite to that where he had left Hurry and Judith.Here he found the other sister, employed at some coarse needle-work, seated beneath the leafy canopy of the cover.As Deerslayer's examination was by this time ended, he dropped the butt of his rifle, and, leaning on the barrel, with both hands, he turned towards the girl with an interest the singular beauty of her sister had not awakened.He had gathered from Hurry's remarks that Hetty was considered to have less intellect than ordinarily falls to the share of human beings, and his education among Indians had taught him to treat those who were thus afflicted by Providence, with more than common tenderness.Nor was there any thing in Hetty Hutter's appearance, as so often happens, to weaken the interest her situation excited.An idiot she could not properly be termed, her mind being just enough enfeebled to lose most of those traits that are connected with the more artful qualities, and to retain its ingenuousness and love of truth.It had often been remarked of this girl, by the few who had seen her, and who possessed sufficient knowledge to discriminate, that her perception of the right seemed almost intuitive, while her aversion to the wrong formed so distinctive a feature of her mind, as to surround her with an atmosphere of pure morality; peculiarities that are not infrequent with persons who are termed feeble-minded; as if God had forbidden the evil spirits to invade a precinct so defenceless, with the benign purpose of extending a direct protection to those, who had been left without the usual aids of humanity.Her person, too, was agreeable, having a strong resemblance to that of her sister's, of which it was a subdued and humble copy.If it had none of the brilliancy of Judith's, the calm, quiet, almost holy expression of her meek countenance, seldom failed to win on the observer, and few noted it long, that did not begin to feel a deep and lasting interest in the girl.She had no colour, in common, nor was her simple mind apt to present images that caused her cheek to brighten, though she retained a modesty so innate, that it almost raised her to the unsuspecting purity of a being superior to human infirmities.Guileless, innocent, and without distrust, equally by nature and from her mode of life, providence had, nevertheless, shielded her from harm, by a halo of moral light, as it is said ›to temper the wind to the shorn lamb.‹»You are Hetty Hutter,« said Deerslayer, in the way one puts a question, unconsciously to himself assuming a kindness of tone and manner that were singularly adapted to win the confidence of her he addressed.»Hurry Harry has told me of you, and I know you must be the child?«»Yes, I'm Hetty Hutter,« returned the girl in a low, sweet voice, which nature, aided by some education, had preserved from vulgarity of tone and utterance – »I'm Hetty; Judith Hutter's sister; and Thomas Hutter's youngest daughter.«»I know your history, then, for Hurry Harry talks considerable, and he is free of speech when he can find other people's consarns to dwell on.You pass most of your life on the lake, Hetty.«»Certainly.Mother is dead; father is gone a-trapping, and Judith and I stay at home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
