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.First, the clearing where the car had been found was off Mulholland.If the abduction had taken place near the airport, it was likely the car would have been dumped near the airport, not fifteen miles away.And second, the abduction could be done more easily and quietly up on Mulholland in the dark.The airport and the surrounding area were always congested with traffic and people and would have presented too much of a risk.The next question was whether Aliso had been followed from the airport or his killers simply waited for him at the abduction spot on Mulholland.Bosch decided on the latter, figuring that it was a small operation - two people, tops -and a tail and vehicle stop would be too iffy a proposition, particularly in Los Angeles, where every owner of a Rolls-Royce would be acutely aware of the danger of carjackings.He thought that they had waited on Mulholland and somehow created a trap or scene that made Aliso stop his car, even though he was carrying $480,000 in cash in his briefcase.And Bosch guessed that the only way Aliso would make such a stop was if that scenario involved his wife.In his mind Bosch saw the headlights of the Rolls-Royce sweeping around a curve and illuminating a frantically waving Veronica Aliso.Tony would stop for that.Bosch knew that the waiting spot had to be on a place on Mulholland they were sure Tony would pass.There were only two logical routes from the airport to Mulholland Drive and then to the gatehouse at Hidden Highlands.One way would be to go north on the 405 freeway and simply take the Mulholland Drive exit.The other way would have been to take La Cienega Boulevard from the airport north to Laurel Canyon and up the hill to Mulholland.The two routes had only a one-mile stretch of Mulholland in common.And since there was no way of knowing for sure which route Aliso would take home that night, it seemed obvious to Bosch that the car stop and abduction would have been somewhere along that one mile of road.It was here that Bosch came, and for nearly an hour he drove back and forth along the stretch, finally settling on the spot he would have chosen for the abduction if it had been his plan.The location was at the bend in a hairpin curve a half mile from the Hidden Highlands gatehouse.It was in an area with few homes and those that were there were built on the south side on a promontory well above the road.On the north side, the undeveloped land dropped steeply away from the road into a heavily wooded arroyo where eucalyptus and acacia trees crowded one another.It was the perfect spot.Secluded, out of sight.Once again Bosch envisioned Tony Aliso coming around the curve and the lights of his Rolls coming upon his own wife in the road.Aliso stops, confused - what is she doing there? He gets out and from the north side of the road her accomplice goes to the Rolls and pops the trunk.Aliso's hands are clawing at his eyes when he is roughly thrown into the trunk and his hands tied behind him.All they had to worry about was a car coming around the curve and throwing its lights on them.But at that late hour on Mulholland, it didn't seem likely.The whole thing could have been done in fifteen seconds.That's why the spray was used.Not because it was a woman, but because it would make it fast.Bosch pulled off the road, got out and looked around.The spot had the right feel to him.It was as quiet as death.He decided that he would come back that night to see it in darkness, to further confirm what he felt in his gut to be true.He crossed the street and looked down into the arroyo where her accomplice would have hidden and waited.Looking down he tried to find a spot just off the road where a man could have ducked down and been concealed.He noticed a dirt trail going into the woods and stepped down to it, looking for shoe prints.There were many prints and he squatted down to study them.The ground here was dusty and some of the prints were fully recognizable.He found prints from two distinctly different sets of shoes, an old pair of shoes with worn heels and a much newer pair with heels that left sharp lines in the dirt.Neither pair was what he was looking for, the work-shoe pattern with the cut in the sole that Donovan had noticed.Bosch's eyes looked up from the ground and followed the trail into the brush and trees.He decided to take a few more steps in, lifted a branch of an acacia and ducked under it.After his eyes adjusted to the darkness under the canopy of foliage, they were drawn to a blue object he could see but not identify about twenty yards further into the dense growth.He would have to leave the trail to get to it, but he decided to investigate.After slowly moving ten feet into the brush, he could see that the blue object was part of a plastic tarp, the kind you saw on roofs all over the city after an earthquake knocked down chimneys and opened up the seams of buildings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
