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.”I get up and stare at the little device.It’s a bug.My room’s been bugged for who knows how long.I pick it off his finger and rush down the stairs to the stove.Turning on the gas, I throw it into the flame and it sparks as it dies.Seth’s look of terror must mimic my own, and I grab a pen and notepad from the counter.Look for more, I write.He nods, and I follow him through the house as he peels back layers with his eyes.One in the kitchen and living room.Another in Mom’s room.One in the guest room.I burn them all before we talk again.“We have to find out who planted those,” I say quietly, still fearing listening ears.I feel sick, thinking that someone could know not only my secrets, but Seth’s and the Navarros’ and my mother’s.“If this was Juan’s doing…”“The Phantom would have already taken you out if he heard the stuff we’ve said,” Seth says.“Same with the Army.They’d know about the cave and wouldn’t have bothered keeping you.”My eyes narrow.“What are you saying?”“Maybe we have a mole.” He looks down, and I get the feeling I know exactly who he suspects.“You think it’s Graham, don’t you?”“Think about it, Fi.” He puts his hand over his mouth, like he doesn’t want to continue.“Why haven’t we seen your dad’s people here yet? It doesn’t make sense, unless he’s already getting all the information he needs by listening in on everything you say.”“No…” I can see Seth’s logic.Graham could be a plant.My dad could be playing along with us “being out of the syndicate” because it’s useful to him to have us here.But it can’t be.“My dad shot Graham—that wasn’t just for show! If we’d gone back to Vegas, I have no doubt Graham would be dead right now.You saw how clearly my dad viewed him as a traitor.There has to be some other explanation.”“Like what? You don’t think someone in The Pack would do this, do you?”“Of course not!” I put my hands over my face, trying to calm down.Then I remember something.Snapping my fingers, I say, “The Phantom said Juan’s been keeping tabs on us for a couple months! It has to be a spy, not a mole.”Seth seems skeptical.“But then they’d have to know where the cave was, or at least that there was a cave.Juan’s guys aren’t looking out in the desert—they’re letting the Army do the heavy lifting and spying on them.”“And us.”“Look, I know he’s your brother and you guys are finally starting to see eye to eye—”“I don’t want to hear it!” I put my hands in the air, my temper about to go off.“If Graham wanted to spy on us he could have stayed here, but he went to Tucson with Miles.I suppose you think that was to throw us off the trail?”He gives me a “duh” look.I let out a frustrated grunt.“Can we think about the last time I decided not to trust Graham? You got shot!”“That doesn’t mean he has good intentions now!”The doorbell rings before I can get out my next defensive point, and I trudge for it despite the pain in my leg.When I pull it open, Brady and Bea stand there with a brown box.They give me a surprised look.“Whoa, I can feel your angry face,” Brady says.Bea laughs.“Definitely.”I take a deep breath, wishing I could prove them wrong.“What’s in the box?”“A major score, that’s what.” Brady steps inside and heads for the kitchen table, Bea following behind.I shut the door and come over.Seth’s already pulling out test tubes, beakers, and chemicals that look like materials we’ll need to test the cave water.“Sweet.How’d you get this stuff?”“We had to take turns sneaking into one of the school science labs,” Bea explains.“One is on serious lock down, but the other two still have classes going on.Carlos took one thing during biology, I took another during chemistry, and so on and so forth.Now all we need is a sample of the water.”“Perfect.” I shoot a glare at Seth, who gives it right back.“We’ll get it tonight.Brady, you’re taking me even if Seth refuses to ‘let me’ go [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
