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.Our relationship as it was would not work in the long run.Therefore, the key was for me to change it.Teddy, on the other hand, had such a derisive way of looking at things.His down-to-earth manner almost bordered on the slick.He was entirely too practical.He reminded me…My mouth fell open as I realized who Teddy reminded me of.Myself.All throughout my shower, and even as I climbed between the cool sheets of Mom’s sofa bed for the night, I kept seeing Teddy’s eyes with that wounded expression when I dismissed his suggestion that the two of us would make a good team as nothing more than a carefully calculated attempt to get a roommate.He had recovered quickly, but it bothered me to think that I’d hurt his feelings.I had to do something nice to apologize to him.Something nonsexual, of course.Oh, no.Oh, no! “Oh, noooooooo!”“I don’t know where that’s coming from,” Teddy managed to say between grunts as he thrust his hips up and filled me what used to be known in romance novels as his “throbbing member.” “Your lips may be saying no, but your hips are saying, ‘Give it to me, baby.’”I couldn’t believe I’d ended up in bed with Teddy yet again.I’d stopped by his apartment merely to apologize for what I’d said, and he’d kissed me, and I was lost.What a mess I had made of things.What a miserable excuse for a human being I was—“Oh, God, I’m coming….”Chapter 19“What’s wrong, Emily? I know there’s something on your mind.You’ve been distracted lately.I want you to talk to me.”Aaron and I were lying in bed on a Friday night at the motel in the town of Mamaroneck, where we spent most Friday and Saturday nights since returning from the Hamptons.Since we’d just made love, right now the main thought on my mind was how unfulfilled I felt, something I could hardly tell him.That was just a temporary feeling that would go away once the joy of simply being with him took over.The thought that wouldn’t go away was where Mom and I would live after January, since it was now mid-October and I was no closer to finding a place for us than I’d been a month and a half ago.I took a deep breath and told him about the situation.He listened intently.“What about senior citizen housing?”I became tongue-tied.I didn’t know how to explain to him that I’d decided to stay in Euliss indefinitely, largely because of him.“She does have an application in.They haven’t called her yet, and besides…I won’t be able to live with her in that setting; I’m too young.” That was an expression I never thought I’d use.Under any other circumstances it would be worth a good chuckle.“You mean…you’re going to stay in Euliss beyond six months?”I gave a weak smile.“I know I was adamant about not doing that, but I guess I’ve changed my mind.”“Do you mind if I ask why?”He wasn’t going to let up until he knew the exact reason for my change of heart.I met his eyes, feeling almost shy.“Because I’m feeling very happy these days, and because my condo is rented through the holidays.” I’d eagerly accepted the offer of a relocating couple who didn’t mind house hunting during the holiday season but did not want to physically move again until after all the halls had been undecked.They’d be in residence through mid-January.Aaron laughed.“You’re nothing if not practical, Emily.”“I’d also miss you if I left.”He replied with one of his delicious kisses, slow and dreamy, leaving me breathless.If only he made love with the same skill.“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.I’ve been coping with a feeling of dread recently.Every weekend I’ve been afraid that you’re going to tell me the date you’re leaving to return to Indianapolis, and I didn’t want to hear it.”“I’m sorry, Aaron, both for not telling you and for making you worry.I’m embarrassed to tell you I’ve been too consumed by this apartment business to even notice anything amiss with you.And I guess I was too shy to tell you I’d changed my plans.”“It’s all right.You know, I have a guest house above my garage.”All I could do was blink.Was he going where I thought he was going?“It’s actually a nice size,” Aaron continued.“I think you and your mother could be comfortable there.”I had to ask.“How much is the rent?”“Well, it’s not like I’m a landlord or anything.It’s been empty since I bought the house.I want to be fair….How do you feel about five hundred a month plus your own utilities?”I gasped.That was less than what Mom paid now.“Aaron.You’re actually going to offer my mother and me a place to stay on your property?”“Sure, why not?”“Well…it’s a lifesaver, but don’t you feel a little uncomfortable with the thought of you and I living so near each other?” My inner voice started wailing, What if I want to see Teddy? I’m ashamed to say that I’d let my urges get the better of me several times since the day Teddy and I had had lunch, but at least now we got together right after work and I was home by eight o’clock, which I covered by telling both Mom and Aaron that I went out for drinks with coworkers after work.I couldn’t risk Mom becoming suspicious again.He kissed my lips lightly.“I happen to like the idea of being close to you.So you can just throw your arms around me and call me your hero.”I was only too happy to oblige, and my disappointment at the motel that night wasn’t as acute as it usually was.I guess I was truly happy to have this tremendous load off my shoulders.Then again, maybe it just had to do with the fact that Teddy had been taking care of curling my toes.Aaron took me to dinner the next night, to the same restaurant in Dobbs Ferry overlooking the Hudson where we’d had our first date.“I thought it was appropriate,” he said after we were seated, “since from that first evening I knew I wouldn’t want you to leave, and now you aren’t.”“How wonderfully sentimental, Aaron.”He kissed the back of my hand.“These past months have been wonderful.You’ve brought hope back into my life, Emily.”His words stunned me.Just as a mind was a terrible thing to waste, hope was a terrible thing to lose.It was the one thing we had left when everything else was gone.“Had you actually lost hope?”“Maybe that’s not the right word.As long as I have my children I’ll have hope.But I felt I’d never truly be happy again.Being with you has changed all that.” He covered my hand with both of his, and his eyes never left my face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
