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.“I love you, Cari.”Each time I hear the words, I know that he’s changing, too.We’re like creatures in a cocoon, morphing into something else, but without knowing what we’ll become.With each word, each kiss, each touch, each breath, we’re moving closer to doing anything to keep this true and forbidden love alive.Sex with Enzo is just.more.More comfort, more desire, more pleasure, more everything.A delivered promise.A deep lust satisfied.Enzo doesn’t just make me feel.He makes me become.I become elated and consumed and ecstatic and desperate and more in love with him.My head fills with thoughts of him, like a jar of candy that would burst if you added even one more piece.There is no room for anything else, for anyone, but him.I’m resting on top of his body, my head against his chest, and he’s still warm and throbbing inside me.He runs his hands over my hair, and I listen to his heart.I love the sound.Eventually, the cold air seeps into our secret nest, almost choking us with its icy arms, and we’re forced out from under the snowy blanket.Cloaked once again in my coat, I pull my hood over my head and walk around the car where Enzo waits for me.As my feet sink into the heavy snow, I feel a chill run through me, a chill not related to the temperature outside.Lucy’s story at dinner.“Feetprints.”I stop walking as if that will reverse what has been done.“What are you doing?” he asks.“What if someone sees?” I point to the incriminating evidence we have left on the ground.“It’s still snowing.I don’t think anyone will notice our footprints by morning.Don’t be paranoid.”I nod.He’s right.Still, I can’t help searching the quiet woods and the darkened house, looking for shadows.Enzo takes my hand.He squeezes me tight.“We’ll figure this out.” He draws me into him and kisses me as the snow falls around us.“You’re mine, Cari.The one I’ve been waiting for.I won’t let anyone take you away from me now.”When I get upstairs, Stefan’s still not in bed, and it’s a good thing.He didn’t find me missing, but knowing that he’s roaming the house somewhere—still playing chess with Frank, or in the basement watching television, or in his office—makes me unsettled.Enzo and I were quiet when we entered the house—me first and him five or so minutes later.I heard him close the door to his bedroom after I climbed under the covers.Stefan comes to bed about an hour later.I pretended to be sleeping, and he didn’t try to touch me.Chapter NineteenIn the morning, I wake to an empty bed.Something feels wrong.I go downstairs.No one’s there.I look out the window and see all the cars are in the driveway.There’s only one reason why the house would be this quiet, and there’s only one place that everyone could be.Nonna’s room.I’m breathless by the time I reach the third floor, panicked that the worst has come true.I see nothing but grave faces from my place in the doorway, but I also see Nonna’s chest rise and fall, so I know she’s still with us.Frank has his arm around Nora as she strokes Lucy’s hair.They look as though they’ve been crying.Gemma and Stefan are whispering in the corner of the room, and Enzo.Enzo is kneeling beside the bed, his hands clasped together, his head bowed low.Stefan sees me and excuses himself.He doesn’t look well, but I see the usual unwavering strength in his eyes.He wraps his arm over my shoulder and leads me from the room.“She’s been doing so well lately, it’s almost like we’d forgotten how near the end she is, but I’m sorry to say Nonna took a turn for the worst last night.After you went up to bed, she rang her bell, and we all came up to see what was wrong.She was confused.She didn’t know where she was and then she lost consciousness.I’m afraid it’s just a matter of time until she passes.”“Oh, Stefan.I’m sorry.”He embraces me, and it’s not because he wants to comfort me.It is he that seeks comfort.Over his shoulder, I see Enzo has risen.He stands beside Nonna, stroking her hand.His attention is focused on her face.Whatever happened to her last night came about while he and I were together, and this truth brings guilty tears to my eyes.“Don’t cry, Carina.Gemma and I think it’s best if she’s allowed to just fade away here at home, but Enzo and Nora want to take her to the hospital.I think it’ll be pointless, but they want to try.They’re distraught, so we’re going to abide by their wishes.”Sorrow washes over me at the thought of this family having to suffer through the difficult time they are about to face.“You’ll be cancelling the trip to Italy then?”“No.I can’t do that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
