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.But, and I say but, don’t pin your hopes too much on this for they only said might, not definite.’‘Well fifteen is better than twenty,’ I said with a wry smile.‘I think I can last out another year.Well give my apologies to those who turn up for the funeral saying that I deeply regret at not being there at that time, but other matters detain me.’ He smiled at that and as his business was finished, we shook hands and as he went one way, out of the prison, I was escorted further inside.Brian wanted to know who my visitor was and what was it about and told him it was just a small matter where some money was needed and left it at that.But I couldn’t stop the butterflies in my stomach at the thought that by this time next year I might be a free man again.A year is a long time, especially in prison and I did for most of the time, keep the thought of release out of my mind.Brian couldn’t understand my sudden need for sex as much as he was capable, having him fuck me until he cried off saying that I was killing him with having to fuck me six or seven times in the space of twenty four hours.But that was for a month before I managed to calm down somewhat back into our old routine, for which I think he was thankful.Not that he now wanted male sex as much as I did, but slow down we did.It was about three months later, one night when the two of us lying in each other’s arms on his bunk after a lovely session of sex that he kissed me quite passionately and said that he was in love with me.That was a shock because I thought that both our sexual needs was just that, a need and not love.This brought back my expected release time and I now didn’t have the heart to tell him that it might only be for another eight or nine months.Though to tell the truth, I had come to love him too, but had not said so.It was the same as me getting to love Bruno but it didn’t get me anywhere with him getting his release those two years ago.That was why I couldn’t tell Brian this, but I did.That was another three months later when I said the words of love to him which put him over the moon at me now declaring myself as he had done earlier.His love for me had become noticed by both warders and inmates for he would hold my hand in going to and returning from the mess hall and sometimes when out in the yard.He would also carry my tray of food to a table to eat and then take the empty tray back, not letting me carry my own.We ignored the snide remarks from the warders and the sniggers of the inmates at this showing of his love.It was just two weeks away from my being inside for fifteen years when I was told that the review board had given the okay for me to be released within a week’s time.News of an old lag being released soon circulated round the inmates and Brian burst into tears when he heard.‘Why didn’t you tell me,’ he sobbed, his head on my shoulder as he cried.I’m glad we were in our cell at the time and I held him tight in an embrace as he cried.‘What am I going to do without you?’ he cried which left me without an answer, so just hugged and tried to comfort him.But then I gave thought to what he had cried.Yes, what would he do? And having some nasty thoughts as to what could happen, I went and spoke to The Baron.This was the inmate who had the most power inside and everybody heeded and did what they were told by him.I took a leaf out of Bruno’s book.‘Baron, could I have a word with you/’ I asked at his cell door a little while later.Everyone one called him Baron and in all my years there had never known his real name, but he was in for life for more than one murder.‘Certainly John,’ he said, give a flip of his fingers to the inmate that was there in the cell who left at this dismissal.‘What can I do for you.’ He was sitting on the lower bunk and indicated that I sit down on the toilet pan.‘You know that when Bruno was leaving, he put an embargo on me being touched,’ to which the Baron nodded.‘I would like that same embargo to be placed on my cell mate Brian.For I will be meeting Bruno when I’m out and will tell him of what I am asking you to do and hope that you can let the other’s know that he is not to be touched unless he says so.’‘Now that sounds like a subtle kind of threat,’ he said.‘Believe me Baron, it’s not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
