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.“Fuck, Layla, I’m sorry,” he says, looking worried.“It’s fine.” I mumble.Except it wasn’t, but what else am I supposed to say.He stares at me for a little while, he looks like he wants to say more, but he just sighs and calls for the bill.He takes my hand and leads me to the car, opens the door for me, kisses my forehead, then waits for me to get in before closing the door.The drive is silent for a few moments and I can see him gathering his thoughts.“Layla, I wasn’t a saint before I met you,” I almost snort, “and I’m not going to apologize for that.”Okay this conversation is so not going how I expected.“I am sorry, however, that you had to see that.The thing is, I have a past, and that past not only led me to you, but it also allowed me to recognize exactly what I want and need in a woman, and be able to appreciate a good woman when I see one.And you baby, are a diamond in the rough.” Okay that was sweet.“I have sown my oats and I’m now ready to move onto something bigger and better.So are we good?” I nod.“Good.” Replies in the softest voice I have heard him use.We arrive home and I jump in the shower and change into my satin pajama shorts and cami.It really is weird knowing Chase is just down the hall.I walk into the lounge room to see the three guys laughing and playing video games.Chase looks my way and he takes in my attire.I see his eyes narrow slightly and his nostrils flair.He drops his controller, grabs my hand and pulls me into his room.“Baby, don’t wear such sexy shit like that in front of anyone but me, okay?” I didn’t even realize this was considered ‘sexy shit’ but whatever.“Chase.”“You really are something, Layla.So beautiful, and you don’t even know just how much.” He gives me a firm, greedy kiss.“I don’t like you sharing a bathroom with Kade,” he says suddenly, “You should use mine.”“I really don’t see what the big deal is.” I tell him.“Humor me Layla,” he rumbles.“Chase! You can’t just burst into my life and start making changes!” I say indignant.He stares at me thoughtfully for a few moments.“It’s easier if you just give in Layla,” he says smugly.I gasp.“You are unbelievable!” I growl.Chase chuckles.I decide to put him out of his misery.“We’re not sharing it anymore anyway; he shares with James now.After the last incident……”“What kind of incident?” he interrupts, frowning.“A very large incident,” I say, giggling.Large indeed.Massive even.I giggle harder.“Layla,” Chase growls, a warning.“It was nothing.I asked him if he could share with James, and he did.End of story.”He gazes at me for a moment, eyes narrowed.“Fine,” he relents, “come on let’s go to bed.” He moves to pull me onto his bed.“I’m not sleeping here tonight, Chase,” I tell him gently.“What? Why?” he growls unhappily.“This is moving so fast, I think I should at least sleep in my own room, plus didn’t you tell me you wanted to take this slow?” I tell him, even though I want nothing more than to spend the night in his arms, this whole situation needs some normalcy.“Throwing my words back at me,” he grumbles.He hugs me in his arms tightly, and then reluctantly let’s go.A few steamy kisses later, he walks me to my room and tucks me in, mumbling the whole time about stubborn women.“It’s easier if you just give in Chase,” I smirk.He laughs, shaking his head at me.He loves that I give as good as I get.“Night baby.”“Night Chase.”******I’m laying in bed, thinking about Chase, and how he makes me feel.Safe, wanted, needed even.It’s all happening so fast, almost out of control.I’m deep in thought when I hear someone open my bedroom door, and I slowly move my hand to the golf club I have stashed between my bed and the wall.My hand almost reaches it, when the intruder creeps into my bed, pulls the cover over him, and chuckles softy.I know that chuckle.“What the hell are you doing Chase?” I hiss.“Shhh,” he whispers, “Sleepy.”He wraps his arms around me, spooning me from behind, places a kiss on my head, and goes to sleep.I sigh, relaxing into him, enjoying the warmth.I think about telling him to leave, but after a few moments, I’m out like a light.Chapter EightI wake up to an empty bed.The man is sneaky.I have a quick shower and jump into my skull onesie.Yes, it’s that kind of day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
