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.And all I could think of was him.That’s what he’s experiencing.All those emotions and feelings attacking him and not allowing him a peaceful rest.It’s so unfair.Want to grab hold of him, even if it hurts him, and just pull him up out of this whole situation.Maybe that’s why I felt that the first time I was in here.That strong feeling, forming itself into words as it pervaded my body.I want to die.I want to die.I want to die.He just wanted the same thing as me, to be free of this time, this place, these circumstances.But this is our reality, and we have to face it.Did end up going home with Terra tonight, but I’m going back to the hospital as soon as I can tomorrow.77 Days, 12 December, FridayIt seems his father’s lie about Noah being attacked by a burglar proved to vindicate him.People around the hospital are praising him as a hero, protecting his home and family with his life.It’s fortunate that this lie ended up being something that redeems him in many people’s opinions.May visited today.Conversations with her are, as usual, a bit odd.“Hello.”Looked up, and saw her standing at the door.She was still wearing her school uniform, and had her stuffed cat with her.“How are you today, Aerian?”“’m okay, how are you doing?”“I suppose I cannot complain.I am more concerned for my brother at this point.” She strode in, taking off her backpack and approaching his bed.Delicately, she stepped onto the small stool beside the bed, and then placed her stuffed cat next to where he lay, unresponsive.“Big brother, I am going to leave Carmichael here to guard you.” The expression on her face had very subtle changes, think she was trying not to cry.Can’t blame her; if it were Terra in that situation, I would feel awful too.May leant over his bed, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.“I love you, big brother.”Hopping off the stool, she looked at me, her piercing blue eyes momentarily disarming.“Will you walk with me, Aerian?”Glanced at him, not wanting to leave his side for any reason.“He will not wake up until tomorrow, I assure you.Now, will you come with me?”Stood up, and she took my hand, “I need to tell you something.” She said softly, as we walked down the hallway.“There’s someone else who is going to be important to my brother.I met him a few days ago.He is the angel of autumn, Adarcel.He is meant to be with Talvi, not my brother.”“Wait, Talvi? Who’s that?”“He is the angel of the springtime.I believe you’ve met him.”“Huh?” We sat down in the sunroom area.There was only one other elderly lady.“Can you start again, this time explain a little more?”“My brother is an angel.” She said this like it was something I should already know.How does one respond to that? She said it so seriously.But I guess if I’ve spent all this time believing in curses and psychics, angels really aren’t a huge leap.“He’s the angel of winter,” she continued, “Something he will not realise for a very long time.And even when he does realise it, he will deny himself of it.Because of you.”“Er… why?”“Angels typically have another counterpart, a balance to their particular type of power.Otherwise, the universe could become unstable.Something akin to the relationship between Lucifer and Michael is mirrored in all other angels.There must be a balance.”“So why would he not accept he’s an angel because of me?”“Because when you die, he will take it as proof that you weren’t his guardian angel and that he himself is not one.He will be consumed by worthlessness.”I swallowed, “How do… how do you know?”“I am a clairvoyant.”“Why can’t I live? Is there something I can do to change what’s going to happen?”“There’s nothing you can do now.” May folded her hands in her lap, looking down at them.“I wish I could tell you something else, Aerian, but the truth is, you only have 77 days left here.”“But…” I began, and she looked at me, with blue eyes just like his.“That’s not enough.I need more time.”“There’s nothing to be done.”“I need more time!” I shouted at her, my frustration running away with me, “Don’t tell me things like this if you can’t help me!” Noticed the elderly lady was staring now, but I didn’t care.“You can’t do that to me! And how dare you resign your brother to that? Don’t you want to do everything in your power to make sure he’s happy?!”“There’s nothing I can do for you, Aerian Guildenstern [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
