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.Liriel took note of this, then dove deep into the concentration needed for her next casting.Her intended spell was a summoning, very like the dark-elven magic that raised an army of spiders from the creatures that lurked in every cranny of the Underdark.The result was immediate and spectacular.Every sea creature within attacking range came to her call, forming the strangest army the drow had ever seen.A pod of gray whales began to nudge and prod at the elemental with their enormous, barnacle-encrusted heads.The elemental batted at them with its one remaining arm, but the whales persisted, pushing the creature inexorably northward and away from the Ruathen ship.The efforts of the smaller creatures were also taking effect.They swam up into the water that comprised the elemental's borrowed body, turning the sea-colored creature dark with their shadowy forms.Hundreds of small fish busily schooled, swimming in fast, tight circles as if they were in some enormous fishbowl.The dizzying current seemed to confuse the elemental, and it swayed drunkenly as it flowed toward the north.Other, more deadly creatures joined in the attack.Longsnouted barracudas darted about inside the creature, snapping and tearing as they sought the essence of the creature contained within the seawater.One of them managed to rip through the elemental's watery hide and was shot, with a sudden gush of fluid, from the creature's body.With the force of a ballista bolt, the fish slammed into the side of the Elfmaid.Its body splattered, leaving a dark streak behind as the remains of this strange warrior slid slowly into the sea.The elemental's watery form flowed in to close the wound, but the creature had lost a bit of stature with the attack.It seemed weaker, too, and it no longer fought the determined whales that nosed it steadily away from the Ruathen ship.By now Fyodor had climbed down from his perch, and he came to Liriel's side.The drow was swaying, drained by the powerful magic she'd cast, and he slipped a steadying arm about her waist."You cannot fight it alone," he told her quietly."It becomes smaller with each attack," the stubborn elf responded, pulling away from her friend's embrace."Just so." Fyodor fixed a determined gaze upon her."In my land, there are tales of an ancient sword whose strike could freeze the blood and flesh of an enemy.Put such an enchantment upon my sword, and I will carve frozen pieces from the creature for as long as I am able."Liriel stared at the young man, understanding what he intended to do.He did not expect victory over the elemental, but he was fully prepared to die in battle against it if that would cut the creature down to manageable size.It was not the first time Fyodor had taken on suicidal odds to spare her, and Liriel had yet to understand how this could be so.Self-preservation was the first law of the drow.A mixture of awe and confusion sparked the girl's ready temper."Your confidence in my ability is touching," she snapped, thinking of the years of crafting, the incredibly powerful spell-binding, that went into making a weapon such as the one in Fyodors tale."But you have no idea what you're asking! Before we try conjuring magic swords, let's give the fish a chance.Oh, look-there's a good one!"A large black creature that looked strangely like an Underdark bat spiraled upward through the elemental's liquid body and into the head.The long tail whipped about, thrashing and probing.The elemental reeled, its one hand clutching at its temples as if it were in agony."Manta ray," Hrolf told her, a grin of dark satisfaction on his bearded face."Got a poisonous sting to its tail with enough power to sink a small whale.Now that'll slow the critter down, and give him something to regret come morning!"The Waterdhavian ship, meanwhile, had changed course to close in on the wounded elemental.A catapult lever sprang forward, sending a grapeshot load hurtling toward the creature-crystalline particles of some sort that caught the last rays of sunlight like so many glittering gems."Uh-oh," Liriel murmured.Without bothering to ask for details, the pirates dropped to the deck and flung their arms over their heads.The whine and thud of the catapult's machinery caught the attention of the tormented elemental, and it spun just in time to face the incoming spray of crystals.Instinctively, the elemental threw up its one arm to ward off the attack, and it began to sink into the protective waves.Not soon enough.A geyser of steam billowed into the darkening sky, filling the air with a tremendous hiss and the overwhelming stench of cooked fish.The Waterdhavian ship changed course immediately to veer away from the deadly cloud, but the faint cries coming from it indicated that some of the sailors had been scalded.The pirates leaped to their feet, cheering and shouting at this double victory.Nevertheless."They will pursue," Ibn pointed out, his tone grim.Hrolf shot a significant look at Liriel."Not if they think there's nothing left of us to chase."The drow considered this, her fingers closing around the Windwalker as she reviewed the spells contained in the amulet."Enough!" Fyodor demanded, his voice tinged with anger."Look at her.She is barely able to stand.How much magic do you think one person can channel and live?" "She's stronger than you think, lad," the captain said stoutly, wrapping a fatherly arm around the girl's shoulders and giving her a squeeze.The young warrior stood his ground.He had seen the Witches of Rashemen pour forth their magic in battle, draining their power and essence until there was nothing left of them but piles of drifting dust and empty black robes."It is better that we take on the ship in battle," Fyodor insisted.Liriel sniffed."You don't want to face off against the wizard who melted that elemental, trust me on that.And it's not one ship, but two." She pointed to the northeast; the distant vessel.was now close enough for human eyes to discern.Hrolf snatched up an eyeglass and trained it on the approaching ship."Damn and blast it, it's one of them warships we fought before!""And the elemental was taking us to them," the drow added."Believe me when I say that anyone who can sum., mon elementals is bad news.Hrolf and Ibn are right.Whoever those people are, they will pursue us until we are dead-or they think we are.You," Liriel demanded, whirling to point at one of the sailors, "bring me a sea chart with our current location marked on it.Harreldson, take the rudder and set course for Ruathym.The rest of you, to oars! Put some distance between us and that caravel!"The men scurried to do her bidding.Even Fyodor took a place at the oars, for he knew that no argument would sway the stubborn drow once her mind was set upon a given course of action.The row of oars dipped and pulled, and the nimble Elfmaid leaped toward the south.Tracing a stately arc, the caravel changed course to pursue.Liriel stood alone on the main deck, her eyes closed and her hands curved before her as if she were holding an invisible globe.Slowly, as if in graceful dance, her hand turned palms-out and her arms stretched high, then went out wide.A sheet of darkness, a vast impenetrable curtain of black, fell between the Elfmaid and her attacker."It worked," Liriel muttered with relief.She had never tried to reshape the drow globe of darkness into another form, and until this moment she had no idea whether or: not it could be done [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
