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."It's gotten me into trouble in the past, and you know it."She shook her head."You're losing your nerve in your old age, girl.""I'm seven months younger than you," I said."It doesn't matter.Age is nothing more than a state of mind, anyway.So, how's your nerve?""I guess there's only one way to find out." I wasn't sure what Grace had in mind, but whatever it was, I was sure it would be risky, but something with a chance at a big payoff.That's how she ran her life, but this time, I was the one who had everything to lose.My cell phone rang as we walked outside and locked up.It was George."I've been waiting for you," I said."Sorry, I got hung up.We'll talk later.""What's it about?" I asked."Can't talk now.I've gotta go."Then he hung up on me.Grace looked at me and asked, "What was that about?""I don't have the slightest idea."As we started walking together, I put a hand on Grace's arm."Wait a second," I said."My car's over there."Grace said, "I know, but we're not driving, at least not yet."I wasn't about to let go of her."We're not going to Gabby's, are we? She's the biggest gossip in April Springs.""Don't you think I know that? Who better to ask about Patrick Blaine?"This was a bad idea; I could feel it in my bones."We shouldn't do this.She's going to suspect something.""If you ask the questions, she probably will.You, my friend, have a character flaw that's going to be fatal someday."I stopped dead."Do you mind telling me what it is?"Grace laughed."Don't be so serious about it.I'm just saying that you're not that great a liar.In fact, you're pretty lousy at it.""That's what you call a character flaw? I wonder what that says about you."She shook her head as she said, "I'm in sales, so of course I know how to lie.It's not always a bad thing, you know? I shouldn't call it lying, even.It's more like embellishing the truth, and massaging it until it says what you want."I couldn't believe we were having this conversation, especially in front of Gabby Williams's shop.The door to Gabby's business opened, and the proprietress herself stepped out and said, "Are you ladies coming in, or are you just loitering in front of my shop?"Before I could say a word, Grace spoke up."We came to see you.Is there any chance we could get some of your marvelous tea?"Gabby was taken aback by the request, and obviously delighted."Why, that would be lovely.Let me put a kettle on.Don't tarry now, come in.""We'll join you in one second," Grace said, and Gabby disappeared back into her shop.The moment she was gone, Grace turned to me and said, "Suzanne, do me a favor and don't say anything.""I'm not going to sit there like some kind of lump," I protested.I could tell Grace was exasperated as she said, "Then at least follow my lead.Wait until you see where the conversation is going before you chime in.""Grace, do you honestly even know where the conversation is headed?"Her smile was bright as she said, "I don't have a clue.That's part of the fun of it, don't you think?"Gabby poked her head back out the door."Are you coming, ladies?""We are," Grace said as she threaded her arm through mine.We walked in, but before we could make it to the back, Grace stopped at an ivory jacket."This is absolutely lovely.""It is, isn't it? I only wish I could keep them all."I touched the sleeve.The fabric was silk, which was nice to the touch, but wouldn't wear well at all."That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?""Whatever do you mean?"I shrugged."I wouldn't have much of a business if I ate all the donuts myself, would I?"Grace said, "You must forgive her, Gabby.Suzanne's been awake a long time, and I think the poor girl is sleep deprived.""I understand.These past few days must have been hard on her.""Hey, I'm standing right here," I said.Gabby looked at me for a moment."Of course you are.Now, let's have some tea.I have some wonderful new cookies I just found the recipe for, and you have got to try them.""They sound delicious," Grace said.Once Gabby's back was turned to us, Grace put a finger to her lips, making a shushing sign.Fine.If she wanted a mute witness, then that was what I was going to be, if I could just manage it.We took our seats in back, and as Gabby poured tea for us, Grace said, "The shop is wonderfully organized.How do you manage it? I imagine your inventory turnover is tremendous, and yet you always seem to keep a perfect balance of offerings.""It can be difficult at times," Gabby said.It was pretty obvious she was pleased by the compliment.I had to hand it to Grace.She'd managed, in just a few words, to put Gabby at ease, something that would have taken me hours to do, if I could succeed at all.She truly had the touch when dealing with people.After more inane conversation, much of which I didn't participate in, Grace said, "I keep thinking about poor Patrick Blaine.""From what I've heard, 'poor' is exactly the right word I'd use to describe him," Gabby said."I understand he was overextended on several fronts, if you follow me."Grace nodded sagely, and I had to bite my tongue to not ask her how she'd heard anything about him, since twenty-four hours ago she hadn't even known his name.It had to be the power of the grapevine at work.I was starting to see that Grace's choice of first stops had been a wise one.Evidently Gabby had done a great deal of our legwork for us.Grace took a sip of tea, then she said, "Still, whenever a life leaves us, someone feels the sorrow.I wonder who his significant other might have been."Gabby put her teacup down, and leaned forward, though there was no one in the shop but the three of us.She must have loved the conspiratorial edge to our conversation, because her eyes were absolutely gleaming [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
