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."Come," he said, taking her travel packs and medicine kit, slinging them over his broad shoulders.As they left the gate and the city and the crowds, as Ulrika walked at Sebastianus's side, feeling his hand on her arm as he guided her, protected her, she thought the sun had never shone so brightly, the river breezes had never been so fresh, the crops in the fields never so green.She thought her heart would burst with joy and love.They came to the vast staging field for caravans heading for distant places.Sebastianus led Ulrika along lines of kneeling camels, the stench of dung filling the air, with flies buzzing about, and men hurrying this way and that among what seemed like a hundred tents.A man came around a service tent, wiping his hands on a cloth, frowning in deep thought.Ulrika recognized him as Primo, the military veteran who had been Sebastianus's chief steward.He looked a little older, a little more weathered, but she was pleased he had come through the experience unscathed, for she recalled that it was he who had been responsible for the safety of the caravan.He glanced up and when he saw his master, grinned.But then his eyes caught Ulrika and his grin not only faded, it was replaced by a scowl."He's not happy about something," Ulrika murmured."Primo is anxious to return to Rome.He has been insisting that we leave Babylon." Sebastianus smiled."I would agree with him, except that I knew you were here and I had to find you."Ulrika sensed something darker behind Primo's look of displeasure.She could not pinpoint it, but she had the feeling that his anger was directed at her.Recalling her feeling, back in Antioch, that a traitor lurked among Sebastianus's men, Ulrika wondered if there was more to Primo's dark look than impatience to get to Rome.And then she received a shock.A frail, white-haired man with gaunt cheeks and arms like sticks, his robes hanging loosely on him, came up and said, "It is good to see you again, dear child."Ulrika stared at him.It took her a moment to realize it was Timonides.What had happened to the old astrologer? She tried to hide her dismay by smiling and saying, "It is good to see you again, Timonides.""Here we are," Sebastianus said when they arrived at an enormous tent fashioned of thick red cloth and topped with snapping gold pennants.He took her hand and led her inside.And Ulrika entered another world.The heavy fabric of the walls muffled sounds from the outside, creating a cozy harbor of silence.Shiny copper lamps hung from the tent supports, emitting soft glowing light.The floor was covered with rich carpets and strewn with gaily colored pillows.Every space and corner was filled with fabulous treasure: translucent jade statues, chests filled with shimmering gold coins, fans made of iridescent peacock feathers.Before Ulrika could speak, Sebastianus took her into his arms and kissed her hard on the lips.Her arms immediately circled his neck, to pull him against her.She kissed him back in sudden hunger.He drew back and cupped her face in his hands."I have so many things to tell you, and I have so many questions to ask you.But all I care about right now is this moment, being with you.I have dreamed of you." He bent his head and kissed her again, tenderly this time, and slowly.Ulrika delivered herself to the love and sweet sensation, tears in her eyes.When he drew back a second time, Sebastianus said, "In Antioch I was not a free man, Ulrika, I was not free to love you.As a member of my caravan, you were in my charge, and I have never taken advantage of that sacred trust.And also, I had to go to China.You, too, had to follow another path.Tell me, Ulrika, did you find all that you sought?""I did," she said, watching his lips as he spoke, wanting to kiss them, to press her mouth to his and never let go."Was China magical, Sebastianus?""It was, and now I seek another kind of magic.Will you marry me, Ulrika? Will you come to Rome with me and be my wife?""Yes, oh yes."Sebastianus solemnly stepped away from Ulrika and with great ceremony removed an iron ring from the little finger of his right hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
