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.“Again?” he whispered.“Sometimes I think you only have to look at me.”She felt him smile against her neck, then he switched them over so he lay on his back on the floor with her sitting astride him.His hands settled over her breasts as he stared into her eyes.“We only kissed,” he said.“What happened?”She laughed.“Katya, while I still have some sense in my head, we’re both clean.I know it’s a bit late to be saying that now but you’re taking the pill, we don’t need condoms.You’re the first woman I’ve ever done this with.”She widened her eyes.“I took your virginity?”He mock-frowned.“You know what I mean.”She nodded.“No protection.”“You feel perfect.I’m glad I waited.”“The first for me too,” she said.The smile on his face hit something deep inside her.She pushed up on her knees, wrapped her fingers around his cock rubbed her thumb over the silky head and guided it to the opening of her body.She lowered herself slowly onto him, drawing in a deep breath as she sank down and all the time stared into his eyes as he stared into hers.Aleksei wrapped his hands around her hips and tugged to bring her down hard and she cried out at the sharp jolt of pleasure.Yet even at that moment of physical union, guilt swirled in her head.He wouldn’t want her when he knew what she was, what she’d done.“Katya, stop thinking.You worry me.”She contracted her muscles around his cock as she pulled up and his eyelids fluttered.“Oh shit,” he gasped.“Do that again.”“Can’t.One off.”He laughed.“Christ, I l—”She closed her eyes.Don’t say it.She started to move up and down slowly but couldn’t keep from moving faster, lifting her hips to drive down harder.Aleksei gasped and panted beneath her, his hips bucking into her downward thrust as they raced toward orgasm.The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed around them.It felt so good, it drove every other thought from her head.Katya called out his name as she came, and when she opened her eyes to see the way he looked at her, she knew all was lost.Their bodies taut at the moment of release, they came apart in juddering groans.She felt the wet rush inside her and slid down into Aleksei’s arms.“Happy Birthday, little cat,” he whispered.He held onto her so fiercely, tears sprang into her eyes.“I don’t want to lose you,” he said.“I don’t want to lose you either.”But she knew she would.* * * * *Viktor seethed—furious with Aleksei and livid with Galya’s little sister.At that precise moment he wasn’t sure which of the two of them pissed him off the most.He needed Aleksei’s help on this uranium deal.His son had the sophistication he lacked.Aleksei was highly intelligent and sharp, but no matter what that little whore said, he lacked ambition.Together they’d make a good team, brains and brawn, but Aleksei had kept him at arm’s length since he’d arrived in the States.His son might pretend he had principles, refusing to take even an occasional line of coke yet he was happy to accept the benefits that came from doing business with drug dealers, happy to launder money that ended up supporting terrorists.As for Katya Mazarov, he wanted to wring her neck or fuck her brains out, the few she had.Actually he wanted to do both.How dare she speak to him like that? If he hadn’t wanted to upset Aleksei, he’d have already had Kirill pay her a visit.Maybe he should reconsider and get rid of her.What could Aleksei do about it? Family was family.He tapped on his driver’s shoulder.“Take me home.”Viktor needed to work off his bad temper.Beth would have to do.44When Tom walked into Ethan’s office and told him about the uranium, Ethan could hardly believe it.The Vekua Institute of Physics and Technology, now in the breakaway republic of Abkhazia, had once been the center of atomic bomb development.After the Second World War, German scientists, captured by the Soviets, had been taken there to work on uranium enrichment.When Abkhazian separatists drove out the Georgians in 1993, the scientists working in the institute fled, and by all accounts left behind a quantity of uranium–235.By the time Minatom got there four years later, the uranium had gone.Where to, was anyone’s guess.Either the Abkhazians still had it or they’d sold it to terrorists.Or the people who worked in the institute had not fled empty-handed.Unfortunately, what Katya had told Tom made all too much sense.“We already know Abkhazia is linked to missing weapons-grade uranium,” Tom said.“In fact the stuff missing from there is the only weapons-grade fissile uranium officially unaccounted for.”In the past five years, smugglers had been caught more than four times with uranium.One guy had hidden it in his baby’s pushchair, the child riding on top.Enrichment material rather than weapons-grade, but Ethan always wondered about the ones who got away.“Could this be a set up?” Ethan asked.“It’s too elaborate.Why invent an interest in uranium to trick her?”“If we act on this and it’s a ruse, they’ll kill her.”“But—”“I’ll look into it and talk to Frank.Don’t repeat this conversation, Tom.”Ethan checked if Frank was in and headed to his office.Luisa jumped up when Ethan came into the room.“Has Rico asked you about the bowling?”“Can’t make it.”“You can’t just sleep with me and dump me,” she snapped at his back.Ethan turned.“I’m not having this conversation.” He slammed the door.Frank raised his eyebrows.“Don’t ask.This is more important.” Ethan ran through everything and then waited while Frank spoke to Kelso, his contact in the CIA.It quickly became clear the CIA knew more about this than they were prepared to reveal.They’d jumped on a runaway train.* * * * *Katya had a department meeting that afternoon about maintaining consistency in assessment and marking schemes.She glanced through the handout.How complicated did marking have to be? On a scale of one to ten, how well did the student play the violin? Wasn’t that enough? No, she had to take into account dyslexia, dyspraxia, physical disadvantage, ethnicity, social deprivation, sexuality, and it went on and on.She groaned quietly.Halfway through the session, the door opened and Ethan came in.Her stomach no longer fluttered for him, nor did her heart beat faster.She kept her gaze down as he quietly took a seat next to her.As the concluding comments were being made for the third time, he wrote on her notepad.“Stockroom in ten minutes.”He was alone when she went in.As she closed the door, Ethan moved to lock it.“I didn’t think I’d see you again,” she said.“It would look strange if I disappeared after telling everyone I worked here.”“Where’s the friend to hold your hand? Are you worried I’ll try and unzip your pants?” She waited for him to speak but he just stood there.“What’s the matter, Special Agent Roberts? Come to ask me if I’m telling the truth about the uranium?”“I wanted to explain.” He stepped closer and she took a step away.“Explain what?”“Why I brought Lindy and Tom.I broke the rules.I got involved.”“You aren’t involved.End of story.”“No it’s not.I can’t believe I’m standing here like this.I shouldn’t be anywhere near you.” He lifted his hand to her face and twisted his fingers in her hair.“I don’t want you to do this.I don’t want to lose you.”Too late.She grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand down.“You can’t lose what you don’t have.You have two faces, one for your colleagues and another for me.What are you going to do? Be good Special Agent and squeeze every last drop of blood from your stukatch? Lie and tell me that I mean something to you?”Ethan swallowed.“Don’t bother answering.Whatever happens I get fucked and maybe I have two faces as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
