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.On the Web: http://www.glaad.org/ GLAAD en español:http://www.glaad.org/espanol/bienvenido.phpSERVICEMEMBERS NETWORKServicemembers Legal nonpartisan, nonprofit, legal services, watchdog and policy organization discrimination against personnel affected by (DADT).The SLDN provides free, confidential legal services to all those impacted by DADT and related discrimination.Since 1993, its in house legal team has responded to more than 9,000 requests for assistance.In Congress, it leads the fight to repeal DADT and replace it with a law that ensures equal treatment for every service member, regardless of sexual orientation.In the courts, it works to challenge the constitutionality of DADT.SLDN Call: (202) 328-3244PO Box 65301 or (202) 328-FAIRWashington DC 20035-5301 e-mail:LEGAL DEFENSEDefense Network is a dedicated to ending and harassment of military "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" sldn@sldn.orgOn the Web: http://sldn.org/THE GLBT NATIONAL HELP CENTER The GLBT National Help Center is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and those questioning their sexual orientation and gender identity.It is an outgrowth of the Gay & Lesbian National Hotline, which began in 1996 and now is a primary program of The GLBT National Help Center.It offers several different programs including two national hotlines that help members of the GLBT community talk about the important issues that they are facing in their lives.It helps end the isolation that many people feel, by providing a safe environment on the phone or via the internet to discuss issues that people can’t talk about anywhere else.The GLBT National Help Center also helps other organizations build the infrastructure they need to provide strong support to our community at the local level.National Hotline: 1-888-THE-GLNH 1-888-THE-GLNH 1-888-THE-GLNH4564)4564)4564)246-7743)On the Web: http://www.glnh.org/e-mail: info@glbtnationalhelpcenter.org [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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