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.Ravendas was not the kind of woman who would kneel before anyone, even a god.The priest's tower stood on the east side of the Tor.Caledan rapped on the door, and a scar-faced guard answered.Scant moments later Tyveris was muttering a prayer over the guard's body while Caledan quietly shut the door.He bent down and pulled his dagger from the man's chest, cleaning it on the guard's uniform.They found the priest of Cyric sleeping in a lavishly decorated bedroom high in the tower.They had encountered a few servants on the way up, but these had hurriedly scurried away after one look at Caledan and Tyveris.Apparently there was little bravery among followers of the evil god.The priest was in for a rude awakening."What in the Abyss!" he cried, throwing off his bedclothes and trying to scramble to his feet."In the name of Cyric, I command you to-"“To what?" Tyveris asked a moment later, standing over the priest's limp body.The big Tabaxi's fist hadn't left much of the man's now-bloodied nose intact.Caledan regarded Tyveris curiously."I thought you said you had given up fighting.""The gods didn't give us swords, Caledan, so I won't use one," Tyveris said solemnly."But the gods did give us fists," he added slyly.They bound and gagged the groaning priest of Cyric, then rummaged through a cherrywood wardrobe until they found his dark purple ceremonial robes.Luckily the priest had led a soft life, and his garments were rather roomy.Tyveris tried on the garb.The fit wasn't perfect, but it would do."Let's get out of here," Caledan said, stuffing the priest's robes into a sack.The sun stood high overhead in the azure sky.It was time for the execution.Caledan lay low against the stones of a weathered, lichen-covered bridge that spanned from tower to tower high above an open plaza.Thirty feet directly below him stood the gallows, a tall platform reached by a set of narrow wooden steps.A half-dozen nooses dangled from the stout crossbeam.It was to be a multiple hanging.Ferret was just one of the unlucky ones.Seven years ago the plaza had been called the Fountain Square, but it had been unofficially renamed under Cutter's rule.Now it was called the Scarlet Square, for all too often the gutters ran, not with water, but with blood.Two gigantic statues carved of ancient gray stone stood facing each other at opposite ends of the square.These, too were Ravendas's additions.Each of the statues stood at least fifteen feet high on a basalt throne.The Gray Watchers Caledan had heard them called.One was carved in the image of a stern-looking man, the other a regal woman.The king and queen of cruelty, both wore circlets of stone upon their brows.Rumor had it Ravendas had discovered them in the ruins of an ancient keep in the Sunset Mountains to the west and had them transported here to keep watch over her executions.Caledan turned his gaze away from the forbidding statues.They chilled his blood just to look at them.A crowd was beginning to gather in the square.Eight guards led by a Zhentarim captain stood before the gibbet, keeping the folk away.The crowd's mood was hostile, and it was clear they would have torn the gallows down but for Cutter's guards standing there, hands on the hilts of their swords.Caledan squinted up at the sun.It was almost time.Cor-mik had made his promised arrangements.Even now, a man-one of Cormik's agents-stood by one of the three archways leading into the square, hawking ale for the hanging.Several wooden casks were stacked around him, though he did not seem to be doing a very good business.Perhaps it was because he was closer to the guards than to the cityfolk.An angry murmur rose up from the crowd as four heavily armed guards led a half-dozen shackled prisoners into the square.One woman counted among the unfortunate Prisoners, all of whom looked pale and wan.The last prisoner who came into view was Ferret.The old rascal hadn't changed a bit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
