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.Devin knew it was all superficial, James was a complete stranger, and yet he found that he already genuinely liked him to an alarming degree.Under different circumstances, they might’ve been friends, which was not quite what Devin wanted to be thinking about at the moment.He walked over to the coffee table and set his water down on one of the empty coasters, then straightened to find James watching him.“So, here we are,” Devin said, hoping to coax another smile out of James.“Here we are.” James rubbed the back of his neck, managing to look embarrassed, rueful, and pleased all at the same time.When he made no move to close the distance between them, Devin crooked his finger at him, beckoning him forward, which James didn’t hesitate to obey.Once James was close enough, Devin pulled him down into a kiss, because he was curious and saw no reason to deny himself the pleasure.James clutched at his hips, his surprise evident, but only for a moment.Then he was pulling Devin closer, kissing him back with a skill that belied his previous hesitancy.The trampy ex had at least been good for practice, it would seem.“Yeah, this will definitely work,” Devin said when he broke the kiss.“Glad to know I’m not a lost cause.”Devin shook his head.“That wasn’t really a concern.”James grinned and let Devin lead him to the couch, stretched out easily at Devin’s urging so Devin could settle on top of him, which took care of the height difference.There was a moment of less-than-graceful maneuvering with the couch only just wide enough to accommodate them.Devin couldn’t quite contain his laughter as he finally managed an acceptable position straddling James’s thigh.“Good?” James asked, grabbing Devin’s waist to help balance him.“Yep, I’ve totally got this.” Devin ran his fingers through James’s hair, pleased to find it was as soft as it looked and not tacky with product.His own hair had enough wave to it that he didn’t need to use any himself, and he couldn’t stand the feel of it.“How about you? Can I get you anything?”“I think I’m set for the moment.” James tilted his head back and let Devin kiss him again as he slid his hands under Devin’s sweater.Wonderfully big hands that curved hotly over Devin’s sides.Devin had definitely chosen well.He leaned back enough to peel off his sweater and started working at the buttons of James’s shirt before kissing him again.James’s kissing had a subtle dirtiness to it that, when taken in with everything else, was working for Devin in a profound way.He managed to get the last of James’s buttons undone and pushed the material aside so he could get to bare skin.James’s body was thick and solid and it made Devin a little gluttonous as he felt James up.He’d always had a thing for guys with more to them than the typical gym bunny.Devin ran his hands over James’s sides, then up over his chest, the hair there tickling his palms enough to make him smile against James’s mouth.“I would like to state for the record,” Devin said between kisses, “that you are really, incredibly sexy.”“You’re sweet.”Devin snorted.“See if you still think that once I’ve had my way with you.”In lieu of an answer, James grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hard, cupping Devin’s ass with his other hand.Devin rocked his hips against the hard muscle of James’s thigh, his mind shuffling through all the things they could do given enough time together.James definitely had potential.“Just so we’re on the same page, I don’t usually bottom on a first date,” Devin said, as much of a reminder to himself as anything else, because he was surprisingly tempted for all that they were still in the heavy petting stage.James nodded.“Yeah, that’s cool.It takes some of the pressure off, honestly,” he said, earnest where so many guys would’ve been smarmy or jaded.It caught Devin off guard to the extent that he lost track of his usual script.He had a feeling it would be useless with James anyway.“No pressure.” Devin kissed him lightly.“We’re just having a good time.” That’s all it was, no matter how very likable James might be.“I am.Having a good time, that is.”“Well, I’m excellent company.” Devin rocked against James’s thigh again, restless and wound up.He’d intended to take it slow, fool around on the couch for awhile to give James time to relax, but he was pretty sure it wouldn’t take much more of that to tip him over the edge.One-night stand or not, it wasn’t the sort of impression he wanted to make.“Will you think less of me if I try to talk you into the bedroom now?” Devin sat up and moved so he was straddling James’s lap.“Because, I’ll be honest, I could happily dry hump you until I come in my pants, but they’re the only pair I have on me at the moment.” He gave James his winningest smile and another slow roll of his hips.“If I wake up before I get to see you naked, I’m going to be so pissed.” James smiled crookedly as he grabbed Devin’s thighs, barely giving him enough time to wrap his arm around James’s neck before he stood.“Impressive,” Devin said, his arousal kicking up a notch at the unexpected manhandling.James stopped after a few steps.“Yeah, I can’t carry you the whole way there.Well, I probably could, but—”“Save your strength.” Devin laughed as James set him down and gave him a kiss for the effort before following him into the bedroom.The blinds were still open and the streetlamp outside was bright enough to light the entire room.It was as nice as the rest of the apartment, simple, but tastefully decorated, and Devin felt another unexpected rush of affection for the guy he’d lucked into going home with.James disappeared into the attached bathroom and came out with a bottle of lube and a hand towel.“For, afterward.Y’know,” he said when he caught Devin looking at the towel.“Yeah, I know.” Devin bit his lip to keep from laughing and focused his attention on getting his jeans undone.He shucked them and toed his socks off before turning his attention back to James, who was neatly turning down the covers of the bed, still mostly clothed.Devin doubted it was because James wanted to give him the pleasure of unwrapping him, but that’s how he was going to take it anyway [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
