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.For a moment hewondered if the Ring itself had not played him a trick; perhaps it had tried toreveal itself in response to some wish or command that was felt in the room.Hedid not like the looks of the men that had gone out.'Well?' said Strider, when he reappeared.'Why did you do that? Worse thananything your friends could have said! You have put your foot in it! Or shouldI say your finger?''I don't know what you mean,' said Frodo, annoyed and alarmed.'Oh yes, you do,' answered Strider; 'but we had better wait until the uproarhas died down.Then, if you please, Mr.Baggins, I should like a quiet wordwith you.''What about?' asked Frodo, ignoring the sudden use of his proper name.'A matter of some importance - to us both,' answered Strider, looking Frodo inthe eye.'You may hear something to your advantage.''Very well,' said Frodo, trying to appear unconcerned.'I'll talk to youlater.'Meanwhile an argument was going on by the fireplace.Mr.Butterbur had cometrotting in, and he was now trying to listen to several conflicting accounts ofthe event at the same time.'I saw him, Mr.Butterbur,' said a hobbit; 'or leastways I didn't see him, ifyou take my meaning.He just vanished into thin air, in a manner of speaking.''You don't say, Mr.Mugwort!' said the landlord, looking puzzled.'Yes I do!' replied Mugwort.'And I mean what I say, what's more.'‘There's some mistake somewhere,' said Butterbur, shaking his head.There wastoo much of that Mr.Underhill to go vanishing into thin air; or into thickair, as is more likely in this room.''Well, where is he now?' cried several voices.'How should I know? He's welcome to go where he will, so long as he pays in themorning.There's Mr.Took, now: he's not vanished.''Well, I saw what I saw, and I saw what I didn't,' said Mugwort obstinately.'And I say there's some mistake,' repeated Butterbur, picking up the tray andgathering up the broken crockery.'Of course there's a mistake!' said Frodo.'I haven't vanished.Here I am! I'vejust been having a few words with Strider in the comer.'He came forward into the firelight; but most of the company backed away,, evenmore perturbed than before.They were not in the least satisfied by hisexplanation that he had crawled away quickly under the tables after he hadfallen.Most of the Hobbits and the Men of Bree went off then and there in ahuff, having no fancy for further entertainment that evening.One or two gaveFrodo a black look and departed muttering among themselves.The Dwarves and thetwo or three strange Men that still remained got up and said good night to thelandlord, but not to Frodo and his friends.Before long no one was left butStrider, who sat on, unnoticed, by the wall.Mr.Butterbur did not seem much put out.He reckoned, very probably, that hishouse would be full again on many future nights, until the present mystery hadbeen thoroughly discussed.'Now what have you been doing, Mr.Underhill?' heasked.'Frightening my customers and breaking up my crocks with youracrobatics!''I am very sorry to have caused any trouble,' said Frodo.'It was quiteunintentional, I assure you.A most unfortunate accident.''All right, Mr.Underhill! But if you're going to do any more tumbling, orconjuring, or whatever it was, you'd best warn folk beforehand - and warn me.We're a bit suspicious round here of anything out of the way -uncanny, if youunderstand me; and we don't take to it all of a sudden.''I shan't be doing anything of the sort again, Mr.Butterbur, I promise you.And now I think I'll be getting to bed.We shall be making an early start.Willyou see that our ponies are ready by eight o'clock?''Very good! But before you go, I should like a word with you in private, Mr.Underhill.Something has just come back to my mind that I ought to tell you.Ihope that you'll not take it amiss.When I've seen to a thing or two, I'll comealong to your room, if you're willing.''Certainly!' said Frodo; but his heart sank.He wondered how many private talkshe would have before he got to bed, and what they would reveal.Were thesepeople all in league against him? He began to suspect even old Butterbur's fatface of concealing dark designs.Chapter 10StriderFrodo, Pippin, and Sam made their way back to the parlour.There was no light.Merry was not there, and the fire had burned low.It was not until they hadpuffed up the embers into a blaze and thrown on a couple of faggots that theydiscovered Strider had come with them.There he was calmly sitting in a chairby the door!'Hallo!' said Pippin.'Who are you, and what do you want?''I am called Strider,' he answered: 'and though he may have forgotten it, yourfriend promised to have a quiet talk with me.''You said I might hear something to my advantage, I believe,' said Frodo.'Whathave you to say?''Several things,' answered Strider.'But, of course, I have my price.''What do you mean?' asked Frodo sharply.'Don't be alarmed! I mean just this: I will tell you what I know, and give yousome good advice - but I shall want a reward.''And what will that be, pray?' said Frodo.He suspected now that he had fallenin with a rascal, and he thought uncomfortably that he had brought only alittle money with him.All of it would hardly satisfy a rogue, and he could notspare any of it.'No more than you can afford,' answered Strider with a slow smile, as if heguessed Frodo's thoughts.'Just this: you must take me along with you, until Iwish to leave you.''Oh, indeed!' replied Frodo, surprised, but not much relieved [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
