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.I'm just glad I didn't miss you.I was going to wait for you just outside the Coliseum, but I realized they weren't having the ceremony this year."“What, did you think I was going to let you leave without saying goodbye?" Monson answered."Don't be silly."Molly smiled at his pitiful attempt at humor."You're such a sweet boy.I’m going to miss you.""Me too," Monson said fondly.It was true.He was going to miss her.She had been his rock for the past few months, one of the only connections to his past, and for a time, his only friend.Monson suddenly felt sad; he was going to miss this woman a great deal more than he had been willing to admit.Molly again smiled at him, her eyes shiny.She surprised him when she gently laid her hand on his face, lightly touching his scars.She kissed him on the forehead.Monson looked at her.Molly never displayed this kind of affection.As if this was not weird enough, Monson received another shock when he heard a slight sniff.Confused, he looked into her big, dark eyes and gasped.Tears were starting to flow liberally, making her eyes and cheeks puff.She sniffed again.He looked to Artorius and Casey.They just stared back at Monson, obviously more confused than he was."Molly." Monson tried to keep the concern and confusion out of his voice."Shhhh, " she said softly.She pulled a small bag out of her pocket and gestured for Monson to take it."Monson, honey, I have a gift for you.It's something very important to your family, so I want you to promise me that you will always wear it."Monson took the small cloth bag and opened it.It contained a small square box, the same type that would hold an engagement ring or anniversary gift.Monson held up the box, and then said with some bravado, "Are you asking for my hand in marriage, Molly? Because I’m flattered, but I'm not sure I'm your type."Everyone laughed, including Molly.This went on for a moment and helped to relieve some of the tension.Molly, still giggling, said, "Just open the box, smartass."Monson did just that, and gawked as he beheld a large, silver stone set on a silver chain.Monson looked at Molly in disbelief."Well," Molly said, her voice becoming less emotional and more dignified, "examine it.Get to know each other."On this enigmatic note, Monson scrutinized the stone, removing it from its box.More a gem than a mere stone, its color was a deep silver, but seemingly transparent as well.Mesmerized, Monson lifted the stone to the light of the sun and searched its depths.Strange.The distance within the stone seemed incomprehensible and changing, like the material just below the surface was constantly shifting.He lowered his arm and smiled.This stone was one of the most mysterious and beautiful things Monson had ever seen."It was your grandfather's," Molly whispered."He told me to hang on to it.I want you to take very good care of it.It's a gift from him.""Molly, I — " Monson stammered, but Molly just put a finger to her lips."Well, then, let's see it on," she said with some of her former excitement.She gestured for him to return it.He gave it back to her, and turned around.After another moment, a silver chain appeared around his neck, the stone hanging in the middle.It was in that exact moment that Monson finally felt at ease for the first time in a very long while.It was strange, but something about Molly's demeanor, her formality, and even the stone itself gave him a feeling of hope.That feeling, which had been lost to him for some time, was bittersweet.Monson smiled as he looked from the stone around his neck, to his two new friends, to Mr.Gatt, and then finally to Molly.As corny as it sounded, he was glad they were all there.There was nothing left to say.Monson smiled and then put out his hand to shake Molly's, who was looking relieved for some reason.Abandoning all pretenses, she threw her arms around him and squeezed as if her life depended on it."I'm so proud of you.Hardships await, but you'll rise to the task.I know you will.Be courageous and happy."Molly released him.He, in turn, hugged her again."I’ll see you at Christmas.""Of course," Molly said, pulling away and wiping her eyes."Have a good term." With that farewell, she started toward the other side of the campus and the parking lot.After a short distance, she turned and waved energetically, beaming.It was odd, but something told Monson that he was not the only one to whom she was waving.****"You and your mom have a really weird relationship." Casey looked perplexed.The look on his face made Monson snicker."Oh!" Monson smacked his forehead."I forgot you wouldn't know.""I wouldn't know what?""Molly isn't my mother.""OK.then who is she?""My lawyer."Everyone except Monson burst out laughing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
