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.“It wasn’t your fault, little one.You didn’t know.” Yates cupped his jaw and turned his head so he could kiss his lips.“This was all Colton and his inner circle’s fault.”Aryen read the sincerity on Yates’ face and in his eyes.His mate felt certain about his words.“Yeah, okay.”Yates smiled, then lowered his head the couple of inches needed to capture Aryen’s lips.Aryen opened to Yates, enjoying how the bigger man slid his tongue into his mouth, swirling it around, allowing Aryen to taste him.He loved it, loved the earthy, masculine taste of him.“Well, I guess that’s my cue to leave.” Rowen’s words and his chuckling cut into their moment.Yates lifted his head, ending the kiss.He grinned over at his friend.“Sorry, buddy.Thanks for your help out there,” he said, nodding toward the front door.“Anytime, Yates,” Rowen replied.He grinned and winked.“Have fun, boys.” Turning away, he waved his empty hand and headed toward the sliding door that led to the deck.Moments later, he was gone.Aryen glanced around, surprised to see the kitchen and dining room empty.“Is everyone gone?”Yates nodded.His gaze heated as a grin curved his lips.“While I’m sorry the poker night got cut short,” he murmured, lifting his free hand and setting it on Aryen’s rib cage.His thumb settled close to his nipple, which instantly beaded at the proximity.“I am curious how your nipples feel.Do you think they’re healed enough to play with?”His breath catching in his throat at Yates’ idea, Aryen’s blood flowed south.His dick thickened in his jeans and he whimpered, just resisting the urge to adjust himself.Grinning, Yates murmured, “Oh, my mate does like that idea.It’s a nice evening.How about we lounge on the deck and see what comes up?” As he spoke, he slid his hand over a bit and flicked his thumb over Aryen’s nipple, tapping against the small barbell hidden under his shirt.“O-Okay.”Humming, Yates released his grip.“Head out to the deck and get comfortable.I’ll get the lube,” he said with a wink.Aryen nodded hard, excitement coursing through him.He turned away and practically ran to the back door.Shoving the glass door open, Aryen stepped out onto the deck.He wasn’t sure why, but he loved feeling Yates’ cock sliding in and out of his ass.With all the tension he’d been carrying due to the gathering, then with Lidia arriving and waving a gun around, he wanted nothing more than for his mate to claim him and make all the stress go away.With that thought in mind, Aryen crossed to one of the padded recliners.He stopped next to it and pulled the shirt over his head.Yates had told him they were called polo shirts.They were nicer than anything Aryen had had before, softer and comfortable.He smiled at the feel of the fabric as he folded it and set it on the nearby table.After kicking off his sneakers, he bent over and tugged off his socks.After tucking each one into his shoes—having something on his feet still felt odd—Aryen removed his jeans.Once naked, Aryen folded his jeans and placed them on the deck planking next to the chair.A warm breeze caused the skin on his arms to goose bump, but he ignored it.The desire surging through him and his mate’s body against his own would warm him soon enough.Aryen knelt, his knees on the jeans, and rested his forearms on the chair’s seat.He arched his back and tilted his ass in obvious invitation.Then, he waited.Hearing the sliding door behind him, Aryen trembled in anticipation.“Oh, Aryen,” Yates stated softly from behind him.“So sexy.Such a pretty sight.”Aryen shivered when he felt Yates’ palm land between his shoulder blades.Sighing, he pressed into that touch, loving how it felt when Yates slowly stroked down his back.When he reached the small of his back and gently rubbed the sensitive skin right above his crack, Aryen moaned.“Like it when I touch you, little one?” Yates crooned.“Oh, yes,” Aryen gasped.“L-Love.” He gulped, cutting off his words when his lover’s finger slid even lower, down his crack.The fingertip caressed his hole.Aryen canted his hips even more, trying to press back and get that finger inside him.Yates removed his hand and Aryen groaned with frustration.“Please.”“Easy, my mate,” Yates murmured.“Just getting lube.”The tell-tale snap of the cap told Aryen that Yates did just that.Seconds later, Yates knelt behind him and pressed his chest against Aryen’s back.He sighed as the warmth of his lover seeped into him.As Yates slid a slicked up finger into his hole, he whispered against Aryen’s ear, “Do you remember the first time I pleasured you? When you were stretched out on my lap?”Aryen whimpered at the memory.He’d been so scared and so excited, all at the same time.“Yes.” The word came out a gasp, as that’s when Yates slid a second finger in beside the first.“I think we should do that again, except this time…”Yates slid his fingers free.Aryen whimpered, but then felt the kiss of something much bigger against his hole.He immediately recognized Yates’ cock head and attempted to press back against it, desperately wanting it inside him.Yates clamped a hand on his hip and held him still.“Easy, Aryen.No need to rush,” Yates purred as he pressed insistently forward.Aryen moaned, feeling his body open to the invasion of his mate’s shaft.Spearing him, moving deeper into him, Yates rested his hands on his sides, gently petting them.Aryen sighed, loving the contrast between the soft touches to his skin and the hard dick filling his ass.After a couple of thrusts later, Yates’ balls nestled against Aryen’s own.He slipped his arms around Aryen’s chest and held him tight.Yates tipped backward onto his haunches, his hold taking Aryen with him.While Aryen didn’t bother to struggle, he couldn’t help but let out a squeak when Yates rocked upward, then sideways.Aryen flailed for a second, then gripped Yates’ hip with one hand and reached up and grabbed his neck with the other.He moaned as the move jostled Yates’ cock in his ass, the balls embedded in his lover’s dick pressing insistently against his pleasure gland, stealing his breath away.Aryen found himself draped across Yates’ lap, his legs splayed on either side of the bigger man’s, as they lounged on the chair.Panting, he blinked his eyes, trying to focus.Seeing stars overhead, feeling a light breeze caress his jutting dick, he couldn’t help but moan at the sensations coursing through him.“Ah, here we are,” Yates crooned into his ear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
