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.I hardly gave them one glance, because standing there also, to my huge relief, was Doctor Eileen.I don't think I was ever so pleased to see anyone in my whole life.It must have shown, because as I ran to her side she shot me a funny look and said, "What's the good news?"I don't think she cared whether I answered or not.I was sure pleased to be with her, but from the look of it she wasn't all that happy to see me.She turned to Danny Shaker without waiting for my reply."What's this, Captain? You never told me that you were bringing Jay with you.I'm not sure this place is safe.""Safer for him than the Cuchulain, when I'm not there.I'll vouch for that." And, when she stared at him, "You know my crew, Doctor.They're hardworking and they're well-seasoned.But they're a rough lot, and one thing no spacer will stand is a spy.I'm sorry to tell you that the crewmen are convinced that Jay has been spying on them.Crawling through the air supply system, snooping around, listening in on private conversations.""Nonsense! Wriggling along air pipes? I'm sure he did no such thing." Doctor Eileen turned back to me."Did you, Jay?""Well.I did—but it wasn't like that at all.You see, I heard them talking about women—""And when did spacers ever talk about anything else?" Shaker glanced across at the four crew, who had slumped down on the soft earth half a dozen paces away.He stepped closer to Eileen Xavier and lowered his voice."I'm going to be honest with you, Doctor, even though you'll maybe think the less of me for it.Privacy in space is hard to come by, and spying on your shipmates is one of the very worst things you can do.""But I wasn't—""Shush, Jay." Doctor Eileen waved her hand, but she didn't look at me."They thought you were spying," Danny Shaker said, "and that's what matters.The way the men were talking after they found Jay in the air ducts, that was real ugly.""But you were the one—""Jay!"It was useless, she would believe him more than she would me."Some were even suggesting space-walking him." Shaker shook his head ruefully."I had trouble controlling them—as Jay himself can tell you.And I certainly wasn't sure enough of myself to leave him behind when I came down here.I brought him along for his own safety."It was ridiculous.But the odd thing is that I almost believed it myself, the way Danny Shaker said it.Doctor Eileen certainly did.She sighed, and shook her head."Jay, I'm sure you didn't mean any harm.But you should have known better.What now, Captain Shaker?""A little breathing space, I think, to let the crew back on board calm down.Jay ought to stay here for a day or two.And if you don't mind, I'd like to ask one favor of you.""Anything within reason.""It's the men.Part of the reason they're so angry has nothing to do with Jay's snooping.He was quite right, you see, the crew have been talking about women—because they've got the odd notion in their heads that was why you came here in the first place.""That's more than odd.It's crazy.""I know.But somehow the word's been going around the ship that this little worldlet has women on it.Living, human women.Young women.""Then that rules me out.Your crew certainly entertains some bizarre ideas, Captain.""They do.But that won't change just because you or I wish it.So this is the favor I'm asking: Will you let some of my crew roam around here for a day or so? Then they'll find nothing, and go back and tell their mates that they saw for themselves and there's nothing hidden.After that, you and your professors can go on exploring for as long as you like.""Which won't be for more than another hour, the way things have been going.This is an artificial world, no doubt of it, but we've found nothing.Nothing to suggest that it was ever a Godspeed Base, I mean, and nothing to hint that it ever had anything to do with one." Doctor Eileen snorted."You know, if you hadn't come down I was thinking of going back to the Cuchulain anyway, sitting down, and going over everything that's happened one more time to try to make sense of it.""Perfect.Do it.The crew would like that, too, knowing you weren't trying to steer them away from anything.""Wait a minute, though.Walter Hamilton says he wants to stay even if the rest of us go back.This place seems to have nothing to do with a Godspeed Base, but it does date back to before the Isolation, and it has its own unique biology.Hamilton wants to study it.""Tell him to study away, Doctor, and welcome to it.So long as he doesn't try to advise my men where to go and not to go.I'll tell the crew to let him wander where he likes.""And I'll tell Jim Swift and Duncan to get ready.They're back at the other cargo beetle."She pointed up across the thicket of plants.She was too short to see over them."What about me!" I said."You can come with—" But Doctor Eileen paused and raised her eyebrows at Danny Shaker."Not a good idea." He was shaking his head."Without me on the Cuchulain—or even with me.why, that's the whole reason I brought him.Jay should stay here.But don't worry, Doctor.The men here are the pick of the bunch.He'll be safe with us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
