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.”Saxon tries to hide his smile and fails.I sigh as my mother gets up and starts searching through my cupboards, looking for ingredients to cook for Saxon.“Maybe we should invite Layla over too? And your father and Ryder.”Here we go.She doesn’t wait for a reply, just pulls out her phone and starts calling people over.Saxon looks amused as all get out, while I just want to go back to bed.“Do you need any help?” he asks my mother, going to stand next to her.That traitor.My mother beams at him like he just asked her if she wanted a million dollars.“Aren’t you a sweet boy.Maybe you could run to the shops to pick up some groceries?”Great, my mother is asking a famous rock star to do a grocery run for her.“Of course,” Saxon says, standing up.“I’ll write you a list,” my mother says, pulling out a pen and paper from her handbag.Saxon walks into my room and comes back out wearing a shirt and shoes.He puts a cap on his head to hide his hair and grabs his keys from the table.“Do you want anything babe?” he asks me, grinning.Alcohol?Drugs maybe?“Chocolate please, and lots of it,” I tell him, earning me a laugh.He comes towards me and kisses me on my mouth.“Okay, I’ll be right back.”“If you want to run away and don’t come back I’ll understand,” I whisper to him, earning me a laugh.When he leaves my mother turns to me with a look of disapproval.“Chocolate? Not a good idea.You need to watch your figure.”I sigh dramatically and bang my head on the table.*****As my last family member leaves, I close the door and lock it behind me, then lean back against the door.“I think I’m going to need to build up my chilli tolerance if I’m going to be dining with your family again,” Saxon announces.I laugh at the look on his face.“I think you handled it very well.”My mother cooked a Sri Lankan meal and it did indeed have a fair amount of spice in it, which is standard for her cooking.“Well thank you for saving me with the ice-cream, because my mouth was on fire,” he admits.I grin at him.“I always have your back, don’t worry.And there’s no point in drinking water because it doesn’t help.”“Duly noted.”Saxon helps me clean up the kitchen and then we take a long shower together.“I want you,” I tell him, as the soap washes off our bodies.“You said you were sore this morning,” he replies, gripping my ass into his hands and squeezing.I pull back from his mouth.“Are you a boob man or an ass man? Because you seem to like both equally.“I’m a Tee man,” he says, then kisses me, licking at my lips.I moan as I’m gently pushed against the tiled wall, forgetting all about the cheesiness of his line.“I want you, I’m wet for you,” I tell him as his lips find that sensitive spot on my neck.He licks a trail down to my collarbone as my fingers grip him at the back of his neck.“Fuck, are you sure?” he asks.I nod, lifting my right leg around his hips.He instantly grips my thigh, lifts me up and slides into me in a smooth thrust.I ignore the tiny ache I feel and lift my other leg so he’s holding me pinned against the wall.I hold on tight and enjoy the ride as he slides in and out of me, his mouth finding my breasts.Water drips over us, steam filling the bathroom.What a perfect end to an extremely odd day.Chapter SixteenSaxon“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while,” I say, grimacing slightly.“What?” she asks, wearily, lifting her head off my chest to look at me.“I have to leave at the end of next month for a six month tour,” I blurt out, rushing the words.She sits up and pulls the blanket over her tits, not a good sign.“How long have you known about this?” she asks, scowling.“A few days,” I admit, “But…”She places her finger on my mouth, hushing me.I kiss the tip and wait for her to speak, hoping she isn’t going to be too angry at me.“Why did you wait a few days to tell me?” she asks, looking curious.“Six months is a long time.I sure as fuck don’t want to be without you that long but I can’t expect you to up and leave your life for me.”No matter how much I want to.“Six months huh,” she replies, avoiding my gaze.“If there was even a tiny chance that you could come with me, I’d love that,” I admit, watching her and hoping that she will say that she’ll try.It’s selfish of me, knowing her career.She has an odd look on her gorgeous face and I have no idea what she’s thinking.“Maybe I could come for a month, but definitely no longer than that.”Okay, that’s better than nothing.It also gives me hope.Five months without her is going to fucking suck but both of us love our careers, and we can’t just give that up.“A month with you sounds perfect, but fuck I’m going to miss you Tee.If we ever get more than a few days break I’ll fly back to be with you.”She smiles—a little sadly.“Let’s worry about this later, okay?”“You know I’d never cheat on you right?” I blurt out.It’s important that she knows this.No matter where I am, no matter who I’m with, I won’t ever be unfaithful to her.I understand that what happened with Lexi is a strike against me, but Tee isn’t Lexi.She’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.She’s in a league of her own.“There is no one else I want, and I wouldn’t fuck this up for anything,” I tell her.She sighs.“Four months without sex is a long time.And with willing women throwing themselves on you every night?”My body stiffens.She really doesn’t trust me, and it fucking hurts.“Is this because of the Lexi thing or because of my job?”She lays her head back on her pillow.“It’s just your lifestyle, I guess.”“Ryder—”“Lexi will be there with Ryder the whole time,” she cuts in.“Exactly.Do you think anyone on that bus is going to cover for me if I was with another woman? Which I wouldn’t do whether or not someone was there.For this to work you need to trust me Tee.”“I don’t know.” she says, closing her eyes.My throat burns.I’ve never given her a reason not to trust me.She’s holding a grudge against me over something I did a long time ago.I was a different person then, and it’s clear that Lexi wasn’t the one for me.Tee is.But she’s fighting it.I know she’s afraid of being hurt.Tee is a fighter—she’s strong and capable, but she also has a heart of gold.A heart that can easily be broken.It’s why she’s never really committed to a man before.She wasn’t willing to take that chance, but I need her to do that now.With me.Not wanting to push her away, I lean over her and kiss her softly.“We will work this out.”She looks at me then, a vulnerable expression on her face.“Okay.I guess we have a few weeks to decide.”To decide what? Breaking up isn’t an option, that’s for damn sure.I’m not going to lose her no matter what.The thought of another man with his hands on her makes me want to punch something.My hands clench.“We’ll make it work,” I tell her in a strong tone.There is no alternative.*****I jot down the lyrics as they come to me.Every song I write these days is about her—it’s like she’s taken over my mind.Ryder walks into the studio and flashes me a grin.He stands behind me and reads over my shoulder.“Oh come on man,” he growls.“I don’t want to read this shit about my cousin.”I don’t bother to hide my smirk.“I have to read your shit about my ex-girlfriend.”Ryder thinks this over.“I think my situation is worse.”I laugh and agree, “You bet your ass it is.”“So things are going well then?” he asks.“I heard some of the family came over for lunch.I was invited but Lexi and I were out of town [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
