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.” Dale turned loose of Galen.“Ma won’t let us do that.”“S’pose you could explain that to me?”Dale stooped to pick up the bolts.“Dunno why.But Ma thinks it’s important.Betcha Galen knows.He’s smart.”“Boss?”A million thoughts buzzed through Galen’s mind.Ishmael was right—they were now brothers-in-law.Not that Ishmael could claim any lawful relationship to anyone else in the family, but explaining that to his little brothers might prove confusing, and mentioning it to Ishmael would rip away the “protection” of his being “kin.” Letting him stay here in the stable—Ma was right.Best I know where he is and allow him to think we consider he’s part of the family.Ishmael had been good about reassuring Dale, too.That counted for something.From his standpoint, he’d done what he had to in order to fix a problem.Holding a grudge would make it far harder for Ma and his little brothers.’Tis a bitter truth, but I’m going to have to swallow my pride.Galen cleared his throat.“Drawing an X on your chest is making the sign of the cross.Jesus died when men nailed Him to two pieces of wood that formed a cross, so that’s like you’re swearing by His name.”“If ’n that Jesus feller died, then what does it matter? He ain’t a-gonna hear what we say.”“Ishmael!” Giggles bubbled out of Dale.“Jesus didn’t stay dead.”“Breakfast is getting cold!” Sean hollered from the porch.“I’m gonna show Sean my bolts!” Dale raced ahead.“I weren’t jawin’, Boss.Yore kin now.Ain’t no danger of me causin’ any harm.” Strain pulled Ishmael’s features tight.“It’s going to be a long time before my family gets past their fears.”Ishmael let out a mournful sigh.“Don’t doubt that sad fact.Wisht now I’da thunk awhile on it.Soon as I knowed Sis was in trouble, I saw red.Niver been het up like that afore.”“If you so much as look or sound threatening ever again, you’ll be gone.I won’t have it.”Ishmael dared to scowl straight back.“I ’spect thar won’t be no need for me to get het up e’er again.A man treats his wife good.Long as yore good to Sis—” He stopped.“Yup.That’s all I want.”“This isn’t about what you want.”“Pa always said a man’s gotta take care of hisself ’cuz ain’t nobody a-gonna holp him out.’Twas foolish of me to set aside that teachin’ jist on account of you talkin’ ’bout bein’ a Christian.”My own ma thinks I’m guilty.Why would I expect him to think otherwise? Ivy’s lie is making everyone question both my character and my Christianity.Part of the time, I’m sure he conspired with her over this debacle; the other part, I think Ivy’s done it alone.But I can’t take any chances.“I reckon I cain’t blame a Christian man for settin’ aside his scruples to catch hisself such a prize.”Galen folded his arms across his chest.“Ishmael, my relationship with God is more dear to me than anything or anyone.This is the last time I’m going to say anything about this situation to you.My heart is clean, and I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve done.”A slow smile lit Ishmael’s face.“That’s a fine way of lookin’ at it.You made thangs right, and ain’t no way you oughtta be ’shamed.You got yoreself the purdiest gal around, and yore ’spectin’ a babe.” He slapped Galen on the back.“Chow time.”“Go on ahead.I don’t have much of an appetite.”Ishmael chortled softly.“So Ivy’s mornin’ sick and yore lovesick.I’ll jist tell her yore savin’ up room for an extry-big lunch.That’ll keep her feathers from rufflin’.”Alone in the stable, Galen stared back down at the box of odds and ends.A small length of clothesline lay coiled up in the corner.He needed it and a blanket to make a pull-across screen.Ma could explain to Ivy how she needed to cultivate modesty.Lord, I barely slept last night.Woke up this morning hoping it was all a bad dream, but Ishmael was snoring like a bear on the other side of the tack room.That was bad enough.When Ivy traipsed into the cabin, barefoot and wearing my shirt this morning, it all hit me again.I don’t know why you’re letting this happen.All I did, it was in your name.Simple Christian charity.You’ve got to break me free of this.I love Laney, yet I’m unequally yoked to Ivy.I need your help.Laney took a deep breath as Josh slowed the horses and brought the carriage to a stop in the churchyard the Sunday after Christmas.She rested her hands on her brother’s shoulders as he lifted her down.“Careful,” he warned.Resolve quickened her pulse.“Trust me.”Folks milled around outside the church, and as Galen and his brothers rode up, a strained silence descended.“Why’s everybody staring at us?” Dale asked in a piercing voice.Laney stepped forward.She modulated her voice carefully.“Staring is rude, Dale.I’m sure no one would do that on purpose.I’ve been worried about your mother, though.” Dear mercy, that didn’t come out the way it ought to have.Laney quickly added on, “Ruth and Hilda have both mentioned their concern, as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
