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."Frowning, Lyle picked up a different kind of candy."But what if the weird thing is really expensive? I'm not buying some freaky thing that costs a hundred bucks to win thirty.""Hm, good point." Steve tapped his fingers on the shelf, thinking.Quinn looked around the group."Josh has a digital camera.You guys do, too.I'm the only one without one, looks like.So why don't we split up into pairs and take pictures of what we find? We can compare pictures tonight and vote on who found the weirdest thing.""Great idea, Quinn."Quinn blushed at Josh's admiring grin."Just trying to save us all some money."Everyone agreed to the plan, and they split up.Over his shoulder, Steve called, "You guys are going down.""In your dreams, Steve!" Josh turned to Quinn."Okay, we're on a mission.I hate losing."Quinn had to laugh at the other man's competitive streak."What's this we you're talking about? Every man for himself."Josh looked so surprised that Quinn burst out laughing."Okay, fine.But if we win we split the money.""Of course." With a beaming smile, Josh started to scour the pavilion for something suitably bizarre.* * * *Quinn had never liked shopping, but being with Josh made the experience fun.Their conversation centered on people they saw and items in the stores, and Josh's running commentary kept Quinn chuckling.Josh decided to buy one food item and one random thing at each country's shop--the cheesier the better, he said.As a man who had never owned many frivolous possessions, or many possessions at all, really, the idea of buying random things just for the kitsch factor was odd to Quinn.At the third pavilion they went to, Josh found a truly unusual, and hideous, statue and took a picture of it.He moved in close and showed Quinn the image, grinning like a kid."We've got this one in the bag.Nobody's going to find anything as weird as this."Quinn just shook his head and smiled.Excited, flushed with predicted victory, Josh looked wonderful.His eyes lit up, and his gleeful smile encouraged Quinn to join in.Due to their close proximity, Quinn could feel the warmth of Josh's body.He sucked in a breath and caught a light, spicy scent that had to be Josh.Quinn had a sudden urge to kiss him, which he quickly stifled.For all he knew, Josh wasn't attracted to him at all and only wanted a new friend.He needed to remind himself of that before he started getting his hopes up.That never worked out well.Annoyed with himself, he started walking toward the store's exit.Josh trailed behind him.Outside once more, they strolled along the path and over a bridge.Every two seconds Josh stopped to take pictures.He snapped a quick picture of Quinn, who grimaced when he realized what had happened.Getting his picture taken was one of Quinn's top ten least favorite things.He looked so big and surly in pictures.But maybe he always looked that way.He frowned at the thought."I need to find a restroom.I think there's one coming up." Josh tried to juggle his camera, map, and bags until Quinn took pity on him and grabbed the camera."Thanks.You need to stop, too?""No, but I'm thirsty.Why don't I hold your stuff for you and go get us something to drink?""That'd be great.Thanks, Quinn." Josh handed off his bags, and with a quick smile over his shoulder he headed for the restrooms.A nearby stand advertised ice cold lemonade.That sounded pretty good, so Quinn made his way to the line to get some.He'd been waiting about five minutes when he sensed someone behind him.He didn't turn until he heard a familiar and unwelcome voice."Well, look who it is.Hey there, Quinn."He turned to face the newcomer, stifling a scowl."Hello, Damien."The other man smirked."Having a good time?"Like you care.He forced a smile."Yes.""Good.That's good." Damien ran his well-manicured hand through his perfect highlighted hair."Josh is nice, isn't he?"Wondering where Damien intended the conversation to lead, Quinn nodded."It's cute how he's taken you under his wing.Nobody else in the group would have done that." His expression all innocence and concern, Damien leaned forward."I hope he remembers to save some time for himself, though.You wouldn't want to monopolize his whole vacation, would you?"How was he supposed to answer a question like that? No matter what he said his answer would be used against him.Quinn opened his mouth to say something--he wasn't sure what--but before he could he reached the front of the line.The cheerful young woman behind the counter swished her blonde ponytail and smiled at him."What can I get for you?""I'll take two lemonades, please."She told him the total and another worker got the drinks.Quinn dug his wallet out of his pocket and paid."Thanks." He picked up the two cups and looked around for Josh.Apparently Damien hadn't intended to buy lemonade, because he followed Quinn out of the line.Quinn tried to ignore him by watching the people who walked by.He spotted Josh coming toward him and smiled.Ignoring his uninvited tagalong became a lot easier.Josh grinned back and loped over to him.Quinn handed him one of the drinks, which made his grin widen."Lemonade, great.I'm thirsty." He took a big drink.The sight of Josh's lips pursed around the straw, and his throat working as he swallowed, sent Quinn's mind to places it shouldn't be going.To distract himself, he said, "There's a band starting at the next pavilion in a couple of minutes.Want to head over there?"Damien butted in before Josh could answer."That sounds like fun.Mind if I join you?""Not at all," Quinn muttered through clenched teeth.Josh started walking toward the next pavilion.Hurrying to catch up, Damien walked beside him.That left Quinn a little behind them, by himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
