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."I guess I blew a perfect opportunity to tell him."Emily sat up and put her arm around Ann."It's never easy.And this is all so new.You'll know when the time is right."Ann allowed herself to be pulled back down, this time with her head resting on Emily's shoulder.They caressed one another, their tenderness and love expressed in touches that felt as intimate as anything they had previously shared.They fell asleep in each other's arms, but that night, Emily experienced the return of one of her old familiar nightmares.Chapter 29Emily awoke feeling disoriented.She couldn't tell what time it was.Ann came in from the bathroom drying her hair."Good morning," she said as she came to sit on the edge of the bed."You seemed like you had a restless night." Her eyes were clouded with concern.Emily reached up to brush back a strand of damp hair."Oh, just some bizarre dreams." She changed the subject."What would you like to do today?"Ann noticed Emily's not-so-subtle tactic, but decided not to pursue it."I wondered if you'd like to go riding.""Really? Where?" Emily asked."You don't have any other horses here, do you?""No," Ann smiled at Emily's excitement."We used to have others, but some neighbors of ours have several horses they use for lessons.They're very well-schooled and calm.I thought it would be a good way to re-introduce you to riding.""That sounds like lots of fun," Emily said as she sat up and threw back the covers."Good, I'll call the Remicks and see if we can go over after breakfast.Why don't you shower and I'll see you downstairs." The last part was muffled as Ann was pulling her nightshirt off over her head as she spoke.Emily changed directions abruptly, wrapping her arms around Ann before she could get the shirt over her head."Hey," Ann giggled as Emily bent to take one nipple in her mouth.Emily paused long enough to grin wickedly before moving to the other breast.Ann stood absolutely still as Emily's hands slid over her buttocks and thighs.She allowed Emily to back her up to the bed.As she lay back, Emily knelt beside the bed, her lips and tongue barely touching the soft skin inside Ann's thighs.Emily's mouth moved higher, and Ann was no longer capable of holding still.Chapter 30Emily was startled by Sato's greeting as she entered their shared office."Hi, Sato, how was your Thanksgiving break?""It was very nice," Sato smiled."I stay here, and my church have Thanksgiving feast," she said, forgetting to adjust to past tense.Emily gently corrected her, following the agreement they had all made to correct one another's grammatical errors.Sato gathered some papers and left Emily alone once more in the office.She looked down at the empty paper in front of her and realized she must have been staring out the window for almost an hour.She glanced at her watch.She was supposed to be at Ann's apartment in an hour.She took a deep breath, remembering the tension of Sunday – was that just yesterday? She and Ann had been packing to leave after breakfast.At one point, Emily had turned to Ann, taking hold of her shoulders, and said, "This has been the most special Thanksgiving of my life.You are what I'm most thankful for."Looking deeply into Emily's eyes, Ann had replied, "I know how you feel.Everything that has happened the past few days has felt like the answer to a prayer."As they embraced, holding one another tightly, Michael had burst in through the bathroom door.In the awkward silence that followed, all three of their faces burned a deep red."Knocking might be a good idea," Ann had said, to Emily's surprise."Sorry," Michael mumbled, but his eyes shot darts at Emily.Turning his gaze toward his sister, he asked, "I wondered if you wanted to come to New York for a weekend to shop?""Thanks, but I've only got two weeks of classes left before exams, so I'd better not plan anything.""All right, I'll see you downstairs," he said with one more harsh glance at Emily.They hadn't discussed it on the drive back to Weston.Emily had figured that Ann would bring it up when she was ready.There had been no change in Owen or Katharine's demeanor, but Michael had managed to avoid addressing Emily at all as they left.Ann had asked Emily to come over for dinner and studying Monday evening.So now Emily sat in the gathering darkness of the office, wondering if she was attaching too much importance to Michael's opinion and his influence on Ann.She shook her head to clear it of those thoughts and began gathering books and papers she would need tonight.As she stood, she groaned; her legs were still sore from the riding lesson Ann had given her.Walking towards Ann's apartment, she noticed that while they had been gone, Weston had been decorated for the holidays.All the downtown trees had Christmas lights in them, the streetlights were wrapped in garlands and Christmas carols floated in the cold air [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
