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.One thing was certain, he wasn’t going to ask, and Steve wouldn’t either.“Yeah, that was a bit…more than I meant it to be,” Dane said into the silence following his threat.“I wouldn’t really—I mean, that’s just gross.Sometimes my mouth and brain totally synch when they shouldn’t and annihilate my manners.”“Are you taking responsibility for your words or making an excuse? I can’t tell at this point.”Dane huffed and set his bangs to fluttering.“I’m taking responsibility, but hell, it isn’t like I killed anyone or anything.”When Steve laughed Dane did too, although he sounded more relieved than happy.Tim settled in and listened to the two of them banter back and forth.Steve’s grandfatherly looks were deceptive because the man had a sharp wit he didn’t hesitate to batter Dane with when necessary.Tim enjoyed knowing someone could nail Dane periodically.Verbally, because just about any interested and attractive guy could nail him sexually.The pinch of jealousy Tim usually felt over Dane’s sexual freedom wasn’t there now, and Tim knew why.The throb in his ass reminded him of the night before, and the morning, and filled him with a bubbling anticipation for the evening ahead of him and Otto.Would Otto let him fuck him? Tim’s ass was out of commission for a day or two, but he wanted Otto back inside him as soon as possible.He intended to suck Otto until the man shattered for him, then Tim wanted to get him hard all over again and—“Huh, wonder what Otto’s doing coming out this way.”Tim’s eyes flew open when he heard Steve, but if they hadn’t then they sure would have when Steve laid on the horn.“Jesus, are you trying to make my ears bleed?” Dane snarked.Tim would have loved to point out it was worse for him but couldn’t.Steve jerked his hand off the horn and shot an apologetic look his way.“Sorry.”Steve pulled the truck over and Tim watched the headlights of the oncoming vehicle until his eyes watered.He was still seeing white splotches when someone opened his door from the outside.Otto’s scent rushed in on the evening breeze and Tim shivered as much from the chill in the air as from his lover’s sudden appearance.He ignored Dane and Steve as he unbuckled, and within seconds he was being half-lifted from the vehicle.The moment his feet hit the ground, Otto kissed him, cradling Tim’s face with both hands and plundering his mouth, turning it from something sweet to a carnal act that threatened to have Tim coming in his pants.Tim’s cock pulsed, pre-cum leaking from the slit as Otto moaned into his mouth.He grabbed onto Otto’s hips and moved what little he could, which wasn’t much since he was pinned between the truck and a wall of hard male flesh.Otto shuddered and lifted his head.He panted against Tim’s temple, warming him there even as the moisture from his breath made Tim’s hair feel damp and heavy.“I rate it a nine.”Tim didn’t think his tongue would work just then so he ignored Dane’s comment.He propped his chin on Otto’s shoulder instead and only then became aware of a petite woman standing a few feet behind Otto.“Uh.” Tim clenched his hands on Otto’s hips.The woman was pretty, dressed in a pair of baggy jeans and a dark sweater.Her hair was pulled up into a painful-looking bun, and she was watching them with more than a hint of impatience, with her thin arms crossed over her chest as she tapped one foot.“Otto?” Tim squeaked out, and yes, his tongue felt like a brick in his mouth.Probably he should have tried the mental link think, but his brain was scrambled from that kiss.Otto must have understood anyway, because he moved back enough to give Tim a reassuring smile.He smoothed Tim’s forehead, which Tim took to mean he was frowning, since he always got a pair of wrinkles on his brow when he did so.Otto glanced behind him and turned partially, keeping his erect dick nestled against Tim.“Naran doesn’t speak English, but I’m pretty sure she understands most of it.”Naran scowled and burst out a rapid fire string of words.Otto nodded and Tim could feel his dick softening just like Otto’s was where he was pressed to Tim.Dane got out along with Steve.Dane glared at Naran.“Chill out, woman.Wherever you two were off to, it isn’t hurting you to let the lovers have a moment.”Naran obviously did understand English and just as obviously didn’t appreciate Dane’s scolding.Tim didn’t know what she said, but if it was as mean as it sounded, he was surprised Dane didn’t fall over dead on the spot.Dane laughed and started to reply but Otto clamped a hand over his mouth.“Not now, Dane.Naran is right.We need to get going, a boy’s life could depend on us.I shouldn’t have let my needs interfere with our search, but I couldn’t—” Otto stopped and peered into Tim’s eyes.“I understand.I think I would have begged Steve to turn the vehicle around and follow you.” Tim could see that Otto had heard his thought, saw the warmth flooding Otto’s gaze and warming the space between them.Out loud Tim said, “Let me come help you.” Two shifters would be able to cover more ground even in human form due to their heightened senses.“I want to come help too,” Dane chimed in, which set off Naran.Otto spun around and slashed a hand through the air.“Naran! The more people to help, the better, right?”Steve interjected with a desire to help search as well.Naran’s expression was well past mulish but after a few seconds she nodded.“Ass rides with Steve.”“Witch does too speak English,” Dane grumbled.“Like I would want to ride with her.She’d probably put some penis-withering spell on me or something.”“What makes you think she’s a witch?” Tim thought Dane sounded a little too sincere with the accusation.Dane shrugged.“Just a feeling.Believe it or not, there’s several Wiccans in my family, and most of them are pretty cool.I have a couple of cousins who think it’s even more cool to dip into the dark arts, though.Idiots [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
