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."I'll do what I can," he promised.When Joel returned to Jedidiah's side, he found the older priest dragging Bear's deformed and mutilated body away from the spelljammer."I convinced the banelich his figurehead might be considered in poor taste in the Outlands," he explained to the younger bard."I suggest we cremate the creature."Joel nodded.Together he and Jedidiah scavenged pieces of wood from the damaged portions of the spelljammer for a funeral pyre.Joel played a dirge as the former dalesman's corpse went up in flames.When the flames died out, the two men spread the dark stalker's ashes on the sand.Before sunset, the gate was clear.The sight was amazing.Green light shimmered between the pillars, and every so often a bolt of green lightning streaked across the gate.Joel and Jedidiah went to bid Holly good-bye.Jas was still sleeping.Jedidiah warned Holly, "Don't try to follow us.You'd never keep up with the spelljammer, and you'd be challenged everywhere you went in the Outlands, possibly even enslaved.It's not like the dales where you can simply roam where you please.""Unless you're traveling with a banelich?" Holly asked sarcastically.Jedidiah looked pained, but the paladin put him at his ease."I'm sorry.I won't follow you through the gate," she said."Take care," she added.She embraced the older priest.Jedidiah smiled grimly."It's been an honor traveling with you, Holly Harrowslough," he said and left her alone with his student.Holly turned to Joel and gave him a quick hug.It occurred to the Rebel Bard that, while she had embraced Jedidiah like a father, she treated him with maidenly modesty.For the first time, the bard thought of her as a pretty girl and not simply a warrior.He smiled shyly and wished her luck.Then he turned to follow Jedidiah down the sand dune.When Joel and Jedidiah came aboard, the banelich was smiling.It looked exceedingly pleased with itself.Walinda looked at the gate with excitement in her eyes."I give you leave to heal my slave's injuries," the banelich said to Joel."If it pleases you," it added with a smirk.Then it disappeared into the ship's cabin.The spelljammer rose slowly and began to turn toward the gate."Should I heal her arm?" Joel asked Jedidiah in a whisper, uncertain how his god would feel about his offering aid to the priestess of Bane."I think that would be a good idea," Jedidiah said, but he didn't elaborate.Joel prayed over Walinda's bandages.Blue healing energy flowed from his hands over the priestess's arm.Carefully he unwrapped the bandages.The healing was perfect.The skin on the priestess's arm was soft and smooth, but there were bruises beneath the skin that were too old to have been caused by Bear.Joel remembered that when she had fought the Xvimists for entry into the Flaming Tower, she had worn bracers."The banelich did this to you, didn't it?" Joel asked, feeling sympathy for the woman despite himself."Yes," the priestess replied."It is his right," she said with the far-off look and smile of a woman smitten.Joel turned away in disgust, not wishing to hear a single word more.Slowly the ship moved toward the Cat's Gate.Joel looked back and caught a glimpse of the paladin watching them leave.He raised his hand to wave good-bye, but in the next instant, the ship was bathed in a green radiance and he could see nothing beyond the light.A dizzy sensation came over him as the ship crossed from the Realms to a new plane.From the dune above, Holly watched as Jas's spelljammer seemed to be consumed with green fire.As it passed between the gate's pillars, it disappeared.Even as she watched, sand began drifting back into the gate, filling up the space between the pillars.Holly sighed.There was no sense following them.Jedidiah had been right.She'd never keep up with the spelljammer.She was almost ready to wish she hadn't remained silent about Jas and the holy water."If only there was another way to follow them," she muttered."Well, actually, there is," a melodious voice called out from behind her.Holly jumped and wheeled about.Perched on the top of the dune was a large bird.As she watched, the bird spread its tail feathers in a magnificent display of yellow, crimson, and magenta.It was a ruby peacock, Lathander's bird.Holly felt a great blast of hot wind, just as she had in her last two visions.She dropped to one knee and bowed her head."I bring word for you from Lathander," the bird chirped."He is most pleased with your actions in his name.You've done as well as can be expected for someone with your limitations.Lathander has chosen to reward your efforts with a chance to serve him further.""I live to serve," Holly whispered modestly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
