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.The druid wasn't sure where Danica had hit the man, but from the curious way Rufo squealed and hopped up onto his toes, Newander could make a guess."Danica!" the druid cried, wrapping himself around Danica's arms and pulling her back from the tiptoeing man."Danica," he whispered in Danica's ear."It is the curse.Remember the curse? You must fight it, girl!"Danica relaxed immediately and let Rufo slip by.The stubborn man couldn't resist the temptation to turn back as he passed and put one more sneer in Danica's face.Danica's foot caught him on the side of the head and sent him tumbling out into the hall."I meant to do that," Danica assured Newander, making no struggles against his continuing hold, "curse or no curse!"The druid nodded resignedly; Rufo had asked for that one.He let Danica go as soon as he heard Rufo scramble away down the corridor."He is stubborn, that one," Newander remarked."Too true," said Danica."He must have come in on Cadderly and the dwarves.""Did you notice the bruises on his face?" said the druid."It would seem that he did not fare too well in that fight."Danica agreed quietly, thinking it best not to tell Newander that she was the one who had put most of those bruises on Rufo's face."So Rufo did not slow them," Danica reasoned."They have made their way to the cellars, and we must be quick to follow."The druid hesitated."What is it?""I am afraid for you," Newander admitted, "and of you.How free are you of the mist? Less than I was believing, by the look on your face when we came upon that one.""I admit that, for all my efforts, the mist remains," replied Danica, "but your words brought me back under control, I assure you, even against Kierkan Rufo.My argument with him goes beyond this curse.I'll not forget the way he has stared at me, or what he tried to do to me." A suspicious look came into Danica's brown eyes, and she cautiously backed away from Newander."Why is Newander, the druid, not affected by this thing? And what does Cadderly possess that frees him from the influences of the red mist?""As for myself, I know not," Newander replied immediately."Your Cadderly believes I am free because there are no ridden desires in my heart, and because I came into the library after the curse had started.I knew that something was amiss here as soon as I went to my friends-perhaps that warning has allowed me to fend off the cursing effects."Danica didn't seem convinced."I am a disciplined warrior," she replied, "but the curse found its way into my thoughts easily enough, even just now, though I understand the dangers of it."Newander shrugged, having no explanation."That was your Cadderly's theory, not my own," he reminded her."What does Newander believe?"Again the druid merely shrugged."For Cadderly," he said a moment later, "it was he who opened the bottle, and that alone might have saved him.Often in magical curses, the bringer of the curse does not feel its sting."Danica didn't really appreciate the value of anything the druid had said, but the sincerity in Newander's voice was undeniable.She lowered her guard and walked out beside the man.The kitchen still belonged to the gluttons.Several more had fallen in an overstuffed stupor, but others continued to wander about, pillaging the dwarves' well-organized cupboards.Newander and Danica tried to keep their distance as they made their way toward the cellar door, but one fat priest took more than a passing interest in the beautiful young woman."Here's a tasty bit still to be tried" he slobbered between several thunderous belches.Rubbing his greasy fingers on his greasier robes, he started straight for Danica.He had nearly reached her-and Danica thought she would have to clobber the man-when a pudgy hand grabbed him on the shoulder and roughly spun him about."Hold!" shouted Headmaster Avery."What do you think you are about?"The priest eyed Avery with sincere confusion, as did Danica, standing behind him."Danica," Avery explained to the man."Danica and Cadderly! You keep away from her." Before the man could make any apologies, before Danica could try to calm Avery, the pudgy headmaster swung across with his other arm, holding a hefty leg of mutton, and cracked the offending priest on the side of the head.The man dropped in a heap and did not move."But, Headmaster…" Danica began.Avery cut her off."No need to thank me," he said."I watch out for my dear friend, Cadderly.And for his friends, too, of course.No need to thank me!" He wandered off without waiting for any reply, gorging on his mutton and searching for new stores to raid.Danica and Newander started for the fallen man, but the priest awoke with a start and shook his head briskly.He wiped a hand across the mutton-wetted side of his head, smelled his fingers curiously for a moment when he realized the wetness was not his own blood, then began licking them wildly.The two companions' relief when they reached the heavy, iron-bound cellar door dissipated as soon as they found the portal barred.Danica worked at the jam for a few moments, trying to discover the source of the lock, while the druid prepared a spell.Newander spoke a few words-they sounded elvish to Danica-and the door groaned, as if in answer.Wood planks warped and loosened and the whole door rattled to Danica's slightest touch.When the druid's spell was completed, Danica went at the door more forcefully.It no longer fit neatly on any side, though the locking bar remained firmly in place behind it.Danica spent a long moment in deep concentration, then lashed out with her open palm.Her blow would have dropped any man, but the door was very old, of ancient oak, and very thick, and the punch had little effect.This portal had been constructed for defense in the earliest days of the library.If a goblin raid ever overpowered the outside defenses, the priests could retreat to the cellars.It had only happened twice in the history of the library, and both times, the oaken door had stopped the intruders.Neither the flames of goblin torches, nor the weight of their crude battering rams had broken through, and now, Danica, for all her power and training, was simply overmatched."It appears that Cadderly and the dwarves will have to get the task finished without our help," Newander remarked grimly, though there was a hint of relief in his voice.Danica was not so willing to surrender."Outside," she ordered, starting back across the kitchen."There may be a window, or some other way down."Newander did not think her hopes likely, but Danica hadn't asked for, or even waited to hear, his opinion.Reluctantly, the druid shrugged and ran to catch up with her.They split up just outside the double doors, Danica searching along the base of the wall to the south, Newander going north [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
