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.Dylan shook his head."No, Gary's father is alive.I spoke to him myself just after the funeral."She stared at him in disbelief.His words didn't make sense."No, he's dead.Gary told me he died.""I don't know why Gary told you that, but his father is very much alive.And he lives in Las Vegas with his third or fourth wife -- I can't remember what number he's on now."Gary's father was alive? Wesley had a grandfather? She had a father-in-law? She sat back in her chair."I don't know what to believe.Either Gary lied to me, or you're lying now.""Why would I lie to you?""Your loyalty is to Gary.You told me that at the beginning.""I'm not lying about this, Rachel," he said forcefully."I would have no reason to do that.""You would if Gary had another -- family." Her voice broke on the last word.She swung the chair around so she was looking out the window at her apple trees.She had to find some point to concentrate on, some peaceful focal point.But the trees blurred with the tears in her eyes.She couldn't see them.She couldn't find the peace, the harmony, the safe place.Dylan came up behind her and swung the chair back around.He put his hands on the arms of the chair and forced her to look at him."Gary didn't have another family.The number you called is his father's house."She stared at him, searching his face for the truth.His gaze was unwavering.He looked like a man who had nothing to hide.But then, she'd always thought her husband had nothing to hide.Where were her instincts? Why couldn't she tell who was telling the truth and who wasn't?"If Gary lied about his father," she said finally, "then I don't know what to believe."Dylan's face softened, his eyes filling with a kindness that only made her want to cry."Gary and his father were estranged.To Gary, his father was figuratively dead.Just not literally dead."The anger slowly seeped out of her, replaced with disillusionment and sadness."I understand what you're saying, but Gary knew the difference between literally and figuratively, and he chose to lie, to hide a part of his life from me." She paused."I thought I could do this – look into all the dark corners of Gary's life, but maybe I can't.""Yes, you can." Dylan grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet."But you have to stop jumping to conclusions without getting the facts.""I went into shock when I heard that woman speak Gary's name.I didn't know what to think.I still don't.It's not what I thought, but …" She gave a helpless shrug."It's not good either."He nodded, squeezing her hands reassuringly."I get it, Rachel.I don't know why Gary didn't tell you about his father.But I'm here to help you sort through everything."She nodded, thinking she should let go of his hand, but it had been a long time since she'd felt the warmth of a man's hands in hers, a long time since she'd been able to lean on anyone.In fact, she found herself swaying forward, and before she knew it, her head was resting on Dylan's broad chest, her arms wrapping around his waist.She needed his strength, and she selfishly took it."Let it all go, Rachel," he said quietly."Clear your mind.Stop thinking for a few minutes."She tried to do that, forcing the confusing thoughts of the past half hour out of her head.Unfortunately, as the thoughts exited her mind, she was left with only her senses.the smell of Dylan's musky aftershave, the feel of his chest against her face, the strength of his arms around her body … He was warm and solid and male, and she sensed an undeniable stirring of desire.She needed to pull away, because he was the wrong man, and he'd always be the wrong man.But he was the only one in the room.He was the only one who understood what she was going through.And he was the only one she would have allowed to hold her like this, to see her vulnerability, her fear.She trusted him, she realized suddenly.Maybe that was a mistake, but it was the truth.As the minutes passed, the quiet between them grew tense, and the desire grew deeper, more intense.She had to fight the urge to lift her face to his, to find forgetfulness in his arms, because she couldn’t go that far.It wouldn't be fair to either of them.So she lifted her head and stepped back, tucking her hair behind her ears, feeling a bit awkward and embarrassed now that they were face to face.She couldn't tell what Dylan was thinking or feeling.His face was completely unreadable -- a poker face.It suddenly dawned on her why he was here.He'd come for her grandfather's poker game, and she'd blasted him with wild accusations of Gary having two families."I'm sorry," she said.He waved away her words."Not necessary.""I can't believe for a minute there I thought Gary was alive and that he had another family.He wouldn't have done that.That's a movie of the week.That's not my life.""Of course it's not.""But I still don't understand why Gary lied about his father being alive.Estranged or not, it would have made no difference to me.""Maybe he thought you would have encouraged him to mend the relationship.You do put a lot of store in family.""My family, not his.And what about you? Why did you get to know when I didn't?""So what? You're mad at me now?"She sighed."No, I'm mad at Gary.""Good.""Why is that good?" she asked in surprise."It means you're thinking about Gary like a real person and not a saint.He wasn't perfect.He had faults.He should have told you his father was alive.He probably should have told you a lot of things, but Gary didn't like to get personal.He was uncomfortable with emotions; he couldn't stand to see a woman or a child cry.""That's right," she said."Gary couldn't stand it when Wesley cried.He said it made him feel helpless.""There you go.""But I wouldn't have been emotional about his father.I knew that his father had run out on him, so why couldn't I know that he was still alive?""I don't know, Rachel.""And I knew Gary went to Lake Tahoe, so why couldn't I know why he went there? I feel like I have only half of each puzzle piece.It's as if Gary gave me just enough information to keep me from being suspicious.But he's the last person in the world I would have thought would be secretive.He always seemed open, with not a care in the world.He could say 'I love you' without hesitation.He could kiss me in front of a roomful of people and not care what they thought.He could dance on the table with a lampshade on his head and not give a damn about the reaction.That's why nothing makes sense." She paused."I think I'd like to talk to his father.""I don't know if that's a good idea," Dylan said with a shake of his head."Well, you don't have to know.I don't need your permission to talk to my father-in-law."Dylan held up a hand."Take ten seconds and think about this.""You just told me a moment ago not to think at all.Just go with my feelings.My feelings tell me that I should talk to Gary's father.He may not know Gary is dead.""He knows; I told him.He called me shortly after the accident looking for Gary, and I had no choice but to tell him what happened.He was shocked, but he hadn't seen Gary in a couple of years he said.And the last time they'd spoken Gary had hung up on him.Apparently, he'd asked him for a loan, and Gary said no.""His father asked him for money?""That's what he said.""So they had some contact," she murmured."Not for a long time.There's nothing to be gained by speaking to him.He doesn't know why Gary went to Lake Tahoe.He knows less than we do.""Maybe – maybe not.When you spoke to him after the accident, you didn't know what you know now.""And what do I know now? That Gary had a bottle of a woman's perfume in his apartment.That some woman named Laura called him a few times? So what?""Okay, maybe I know more than I did a few months ago, because I didn't know about his father.""You're going down the wrong road [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
