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.She stood on the spot and writhed out of time with the music.“I need a drink,” Adam said.He tugged her over to the bar.There was no sign of Tomas and she gave Adam an anxious glance.“He’ll be fine.Don’t worry.”He bought two beers and steered Wren to an empty booth, giving them a view of the bar.They’d already agreed to be careful what they said in case they were overheard, though it was hard to hear or speak over the throbbing bass of the music.She sat snuggled with her back to Adam, who had his hand wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on her head.She people watched.There was plenty to look at now that more were dancing.Guys wearing cages around their cocks, women in dog collars being led by guys, guys in dog collars being led by women, people in inflatable suits and those wearing next to nothing.One man in tight black latex briefs with a built-in sheath for his cock was on his knees being pulled on a neck chain by a woman in a long filmy black dress and boots to mid-thigh.She carried what appeared to be a small oar and when she caught Wren’s eye, she changed direction and dragged her slave with her.“Oh my God,” Adam muttered.“Like to punish him? Take the paddle.He’s been a very bad boy.”Wren shook her head so hard she hit Adam’s chin.“She’s not allowed to play tonight,” Adam said.The woman nodded and moved on.“Whaaa…whaa…” Wren gave up trying to speak.Adam stroked her belly.“Try not to freak out.We’re supposed to be here to enjoy ourselves, so smile.”Wren twisted round to give him an exaggerated grimace.He groaned.“Pretend you’re my slave and they’ll leave you alone.”She narrowed her eyes.“Why can’t we pretend you’re my slave?”“We don’t need to pretend that.You’ve ensnared the two of us.”She smiled but the bubble of anxiety in her stomach continued to grow.Glancing around the room, she wondered who was a police officer and what they’d do if things went pear-shaped.Wren wanted this over with before she threw up.“Tomas is there now,” Adam said in her ear.“Let’s dance.”She squirmed from behind the table and Adam took her hand.He pulled her into his arms and when she slid her hands onto his bare butt, his breath caught and his cock expanded to press against her belly.He nipped her ear.“You’re going to get us thrown out.”“No one can see.” She danced her fingers over his bottom.“They will when my cock finds a way out of this pouch and under your dress, and that’s what’s going to happen if you don’t stop.”She didn’t.His hands settled on her thighs, his fingers inched under the hem of her dress and lifted it.Wren let him go with a laugh and pulled free to dance on the spot.Adam circled her, a smile on his face, his body twisting and swaying with the music, his muscles rippling under the lights playing over his skin.She began to think less about what she was doing and more about him and how great he looked, until she realized they were dancing properly, shifting in and out of each other’s arms, bumping, grinding, sliding against each other.Adam never let her stray far.She was always in sight, within arm’s reach.If anyone came too near, he made it clear by word or gesture that she was taken, and she relaxed.Mistake.The tap on the shoulder almost made her go over on her ankle.She spun round to find herself facing Marco.“Can I cut in?”“No,” Wren said.Adam wrapped a possessive arm around her waist.“You heard the lady.”She wondered if Adam realized this was Marco.“I just want to talk.Come and have a drink with me.” He pointed to a table at the far end of the room.“She said no,” Adam snapped.She turned to him.“It’s okay.I won’t be long.”An opened bottle of champagne waited in an ice bucket in the booth Marco led her to.Tomas had told her not to drink anything she hadn’t witnessed being opened.Adam leaned against the wall nearby, his arms crossed, gaze fixed on her.“Is he here to keep an eye on you?” Marco asked.“No.To keep an eye on you.”He laughed.“I want to apologize for last night.” He poured the champagne and pushed a glass across the table.If she reached for it, even to pretend to drink, he’d see her shaking.Her hands stayed on her lap.“I upset you,” he said.“You frightened me.”He smiled.“Not into pain with your pleasure, yet you’re here at our BDSM party?”“I came because Tomas asked me to.”Marco leaned back and twirled the stem of the flute.“I’ll make you a deal.I’ll pay you eighteen thousand pounds to sleep with me.”Oh fuck.She’d already steeled herself to show no surprise to anything he said, but that shocked her.He hadn’t plucked the figure from midair.It was the amount of her debt.How much did he know?“Just to sleep?” She hoped she sounded braver than she felt.“You don’t want me to wear a Zentai suit and do your ironing?”Marco raised his eyebrows.“I’d rather you did it naked.Fifty thousand if you let me fuck you for twenty-four hours.”Bloody hell.“No.” She glared at his expressionless face.“Why don’t you look surprised? Ask anyone else in here and they’d jump at the offer.That nice bald lady in the rags would suit you.”“I don’t want anyone else.”“You only want me because I’m with Tomas.”“That’s probably true.Are you going to come and teach my employees next week?”“No.I don’t want your money.”“Tomas does.”She frowned.“I’m planning on changing that.”“You see my problem? You don’t like me.” He clutched his chest in mock disappointment.“You disapprove of the business I’m in.You tried to persuade one of my girls not to work for me anymore.You felt so strongly about it you risked your own safety by getting in that punter’s car.You gave away the money I paid you so I wouldn’t be angry with Jovana.That didn’t work by the way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
