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.For this I will pay you a modest wage and every spare moment you have you must devote to studying law.”Digby felt a little shiver run though his bones at the thought of it.But then he pictured his mother and his four sisters waving to him as he drove away from Duncombe Hall to begin his journey to London.He had to care for them now.He had to make sure they stayed at home and were happy and comfortable.“Can you do it? Are you a good student?” the Judge asked, his piercing grey eyes searching Digby’s face.There was nothing for it under that fierce gaze but to be completely honest.“I have not always been so,” Digby said, “but from now on, I will let nothing keep me from my studies.”“Good.If you do, then you will succeed and the rewards will be great, as I have proved in my own career.Where are you staying?”“I – er – ”Digby had made no plans beyond finding his way to the Judge’s Chambers at Lincoln’s Inn.He supposed that he must go to somewhere like Seven Dials with its narrow crowded streets and find cheap lodgings.The Judge looked thoughtful for a moment.“Why not join us for dinner tonight?” he said.“You are after all a cousin, albeit a distant one.If she likes the look of you, perhaps my wife may find a corner for you, somewhere among the servants’ garrets.”Digby nodded eagerly.That way he would be able to send every penny of the money he earned to Duncombe.“Come along then,” the Judge said, striding out of the room.“It’s a fair drive to Mayfair and the streets are thronged with carts and omnibuses at this time of day.”Mayfair? A bell chimed in his mind as he heard the word.But he could not think why.His mind was full of the future the Judge had just outlined.He must be on his best behaviour at dinner and for all the days that followed if he was going to progress and make his way as a lawyer.*The morning after Adella’s visit to Rotten Row, Uncle Edgar called for her to come to his study.As always when she came into the study, she gazed in amazement at the vast model Fort that took up the entire surface of her uncle’s large mahogany desk.Uncle Edgar was not working on it this morning, but standing in front of the fireplace.“Well, niece, my outlay on your wardrobe has not been wasted,” he said.“You have taken one turn about the Park in your new dress and already one of the most eligible bachelors in London has come knocking at our door.”Adella was confused.Who did he mean?“Lord Ranulph Fowles.I could hardly believe my ears when the butler informed me.He is waiting for you in the drawing room.”“Will you not come with me, Uncle Edgar?” Adella felt suddenly nervous.“He expressed a wish to meet you, when I spoke to him yesterday.”Her uncle shook his head.“It is you who is the attraction, my dear.And I am, as it happens, rather busy.” He went over to the desk and peered at the Red Fort.As Adella entered the drawing room, Lord Ranulph sprang to his feet.“Miss May, you are a vision of loveliness,” he said, staring at her before remembering to bow politely.Adella was wearing another of her new gowns, a day dress in a pale gold shade that perfectly complemented her fair hair and made her brown eyes look soft and bright.“Thank you, Lord Ranulph.”Adella looked down at her shimmering skirts.She had never worn such a lovely delicate colour and she still was not quite used to wearing such fine clothes.“Have you been offered some refreshment?”“Your uncle’s butler has been most attentive, but I am not thirsty.”‘Whatever shall I say to him now?’ Adella thought, as she sat down on the sofa.She just could not ask the questions that filled her mind.Had he seen his friend? Was Digby well? What was he doing? Was he paying attention to other young women?Lord Ranulph expression was serious and formal as he gazed at her.“I trust your stay in London has been a happy one so far?” he said after a long pause.“Yes, thank you, sir.Very much so.My uncle has been very kind.”“I look forward to the pleasure of dancing with you, I hope, at some of the balls that are coming up, over the next few weeks.Perhaps even at Lady Ireton’s?”“Lady Ireton?”Adella had not attended a ball yet and she did not want her first to be hosted by the woman who had laughed at her so unkindly yesterday in Hyde Park.“Yes! She has reserved the ballroom at the Royal Hotel.A more fitting setting for you than a humble Oxford teashop, if I may be so bold,” Lord Ranulph was saying.Adella’s heart gave a little skip.“That was a very happy afternoon,” she sighed.“I have fond memories of that teashop.”And then she could no longer hold back,“Lord Ranulph, have you heard from your friend, Mr.Dryden? How is he?”A cloud seemed to pass over Lord Ranulph’s face and his eyes flicked away from her face and focused on the empty grate of the fireplace.“I have no idea,” he replied.A chill struck Adella’s heart.“But I thought – you were such good friends.”“Our student days are over, Miss May.Mr.Dryden has suffered a misfortune and he has returned to his family.But he seems to have forgotten his former friend entirely.I have heard nothing from the rogue.”Adella felt quite weak from the disappointment that engulfed her.She had so hoped she might hear something.But it seemed that Digby had been as thoughtless and forgetful to his friend as he had been towards her.“I did not come here to speak of Mr.Dryden,” Lord Ranulph said.“Miss May, I wondered if you might be driving in Hyde Park again this afternoon?”Adella shook her head.“I could not bear it – it really is not pleasant to have people make fun of my dear ponies.”“You are depriving me of the very great pleasure of your company.And, while some might find your ponies amusing, I think they are utterly charming.”Adella did not know what to say to this.It was an odd feeling to have Lord Ranulph’s dark eyes fixed so intently on her face.“I am most disappointed,” he now murmured.He was making her feel quite ill at ease and Adella did not know what to do, except apologise politely.“Then may I call on you again?”Much to her relief, he was rising to his feet.“Of course,” Adella said, as she rose and he caught her hand in his, raising it to his lips for a long moment.It was an impulsive gesture and she was so shocked that she almost lost her balance and had to catch hold of the arm of the sofa.But Lord Ranulph was already backing towards the door.He looked suddenly awkward, as if he was not used to kissing young lady’s hands.“Au revoir,” he muttered.“Till we meet again.”Adella, her heart beating fast, rang the bell-pull, so that the footman would come to show him out.‘I am not at all used to dealing with these young gentlemen,’ she thought.‘What is one to do with them?’One moment Lord Ranulph was very formal, polite and courteous and the next he was kissing her hand!If only Jane was here, to talk to and to puzzle over what had just happened.But she was far away and it seemed like a very long time since she had waved goodbye to her at Oxford.“Darling Jane, I shall write and tell you all about it!” Adella whispered and she heard the sound of the front door closing as Lord Ranulph left the house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
