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.We worried," Erin said."Do me a favor? Could you put a platter together for me and Kody to share while I get a fire going in the library? I want to make sure Kody's warm enough.""Sure," Erin said, and headed towards the kitchen.Marcus half expected Diana to go with his cousin, and was vaguely surprised when instead she accompanied him to the library."Are you sure he's safe to be left to wander around the house, Marcus?" she asked.He looked at her from where he knelt at the fire."What's that supposed to mean?""You don't know anything about him, do you? What story's he given you? How do we know he's not lying?"Diana suspicions around Kody shocked Marcus.He'd expected Diana to have a more maternal care for Kody."I know he's in need of some friends to take care of him," Marcus said."I promised him he'd be welcome and safe here.I won't tolerate anyone upsetting him.He's been through enough."Diana stared at him, her face incredulous."Just like that?"Marcus nodded."Yes." He turned back to focus on the fire.A real fire took time to set, but was worth it to have one blazing in the hearth."Am I interrupting something?" Erin came in with a tray."Too bad if I am."Marcus grinned as he went to check the contents of the tray.The platter had some leftover roast chicken, pastrami, cheddar cheese, and gorgonzola.A dish contained olives, capers, and pickles.Homemade bread, a small dish of butter, dried apricots, slices of apple, and grapes completed the platter."Perfect.Thanks, Erin.""I didn't know what to do for drinks," Erin said."Back in a tick."Marcus looked with growing hunger at the food, but had no intention of starting to eat without Kody.He looked up as Erin came back in.This time her tray held wine, glasses, a coffee pot, and mugs.She set the wine and glasses by the platter and the pot and mugs on a small table to the side of the fire."It's cocoa, not coffee.Better before bed.See you in the morning, Marcus."Erin left, and Marcus looked quizzically at Diana."I'll get everyone together in the morning.I think it's best if there's just me with Kody for now."For a few seconds Marcus was sure Diana was going to argue.Then they both turned at the sound of the knock.Marcus could scarcely believe the difference in Kody.His hair was still damp, and even wearing just a t-shirt and jeans, Kody could have been a model.He looked graceful, elegant, and drop-dead gorgeous.Before Marcus could speak, Diana pulled him into a kiss and then flounced past Kody, who stared in confusion at her retreating back."She's just happy I'm home," Marcus said as Kody turned to look at him."I promise you, Kody, Diana and I are only friends.We've been friends since high school, but never anything more." Being believed by Kody was important to Marcus, but he was sure if he continued to press his case, the less he'd be believed.“Come and eat.”They sat in the chairs close by the fire, and to Marcus’s relief, Kody ate enthusiastically.Marcus kept conversation centered on his sleuth, and his home.He promised to introduce Kody to everyone personally the next day.As much as he wanted to keep the young man close to him, he decided that Kody would benefit by spending time with others.Tom and Jeff would be his first choice.Tom was another bear shifter while Jeff was human, and he hoped the mixed relationship would help Kody feel he, too, had a home here.He’d make sure Erin spent time with him.Ann and Jason were an older couple who liked to nurture everyone else.He’d make sure to get Kody helping in the kitchen to chat with them.That just left Diana.He frowned as a sense of unease cause him to pause in mid-bite.Kody glanced over at him, as if picking up on his sudden change of mood.Marcus smiled reassuringly.“Sorry, got a little lost in my thoughts there,” he said.Kody returned the smile, shyly, and Marcus quickly took a bite of his food.I’ll leave Diana for now.Until he’s seen the others and is feeling more at home here.She’ll see I’m fine, and that Kody is exactly what he’s said he is, an outsider among his own kind who just needs a home and— Marcus blinked.He’d been about to think—love.Marcus shook his head.He felt responsible and protective, and there had been a bolt of undeniable attraction.Is there more? I need to take some time and put some space between us.If I move too fast, Kody may think I rescued him to take the same kind of advantage of hms as the Alpha he’s just escaped.I have to let him settle first.He looked up as Kody sat back, a soft smile on his lips.“Thank you.I’m full.”“Would you like some wine or cocoa?” Marcus asked.“The cocoa.I haven’t really drunk wine.Maybe another time.”Marcus’s heart soared at Kody’s words.That gave him hope Kody was willing to stay.He poured the drink and passed it to Kody, who took a mouthful, and then grinned.“It’s perfect.Not too sweet.I see there are chess players here.” He waved a hand back towards the big table, where a large chess set sat.“I and a couple of others play.Do you?” Marcus asked, as he poured some wine for himself.“No.No one taught me.I like Scrabble though.”Marcus grinned as he took a sip of wine.“Good.I like that, too.We can play sometime.”Kody’s cheeks flushed pink, and he quickly hid his face behind the mug.He set it down, and stood.“Thank you.For saving me, and bringing me here.I’ll do whatever I can to repay your kindness.”“Just think of this place as your home,” Marcus said as he rose to face Kody.“That’s all I ask of you.Don’t rush to get up in the morning.When you do, head for the kitchen.It’s across the hall from here.I’ll let Ann and Jason know to expect you.The kitchen is their domain, and even I defer to them in there.” He smiled as Kody laughed softly.The sound made his stomach flip, and he wanted to hear it more often.“I’ll keep that in mind.See you tomorrow.”Marcus watched Kody until he was out of the room, and then sat down, and took another mouthful of wine.As much as I want him, I have to give him time.Chapter FourSitting in the library, Marcus looked up from his book as Diana came in.“We have a visitor.I’ve put him in the study.His other men are outside.Tom and Jeff are watching them.”Marcus surged to his feet, certain there was only one man it could be.He glared at Diana [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
