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.It just says on here to keep the card and destroy it.”Anna’s whole face twitched.This was the last straw.“I’m going to kill him.”The boy’s eyes widened and he stepped back.“Oh, not you,” she snapped.She rounded on Colton, the closest one to her, and thus the one to receive her ire.“It’s got to be him.I swear to God—”“Anna.Breathe.” He pulled his wallet free of his back pocket and handed the man his card.“Use this one.And let me get the number off the back of her card so we can call and get this straightened out.”The boy nodded vigorously, eyeing Anna warily.She couldn’t blame him.How often did a woman go ape shit in his store?She started to cry.She couldn’t hold it in one more second.Every ounce of her life had been torn to shreds.Screw being strong.Marc led her to a bench outside the store and held her while she sobbed into his chest.Things had gone too far.Every facet of her life, except her job, had been sabotaged, and she didn’t know why.Or who was fucking with her.Her only guess was Peter.Why? Why would he wait all this time to destroy her? And what purpose did it serve when he was the one to have an affair and ruin what they had? It made no sense.Colton appeared minutes later, her bags in tow, and sat heavily on her other side.“You should call this number right now.I’d do it for you, but they won’t tell me anything since I’m not the card owner.”Anna sniffed.She wasn’t sure she wanted to know anymore.Maybe she’d change her name and move to Fiji.Start over.Colton lifted her face with a finger under her chin.“We’ll add it to the report.At some point, he’s going to slip.And when he does—”“We’ll nail the fucker,” Marc finished.“I don’t understand why he’d do this.It doesn’t make any sense.”“I don’t know, baby, but I find it too convenient he’s out of the country and all of his contact information has changed so no one can get ahold of him.I’m guessing maybe he’s pissed you left him.” Colton wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb.“I need you to be strong for a little while longer.”Jesus, she didn’t know if she could.“How can you want someone like me?”Marc jerked her around.“This isn’t your fault.Not one bit of it.None of this defines who you are, who we know you to be.”“But you’ve only known me since Monday.”He shook his head.“Doesn’t matter.”“Our souls know yours, our hearts know you were made for us.” Colton linked his hand with hers and kissed her knuckles.She suddenly felt very small.“How do I know?”“You’ll know someday if you give us a chance.You’ll sense our implicit trust and faith in all that you do, and you’ll know inside what we feel isn’t a fleeting emotion.For us, you are the future.Without you, we’ll have nothing.”She couldn’t respond.Didn’t know how to.Didn’t know if she could blindly fall into their arms and hope they were right.The sex was great, yes.Fantastic even.Better than she’d ever had.But she knew she couldn’t base a relationship on sex.So look at what they’ve shown you already, Anna.The flowers, the notes, the sundaes, the flipping tree.They hadn’t done those things on a whim.Colton’s mouth gently touched hers.“Call about the credit card.Us will come when you’re ready.We’re not going anywhere, and whatever this trouble is, we will do whatever it takes to get it rectified.“Anna pursed her lips and gave in.She wanted what they offered, she did.Peter had done quite a number on her confidence, though, and trust was coming hard.So she called her credit card company and did her best not to throw the phone at what she learned.“Ma’am, you reported this card stolen on Wednesday.We cancelled it.”“No, I didn’t.”“You gave the operator all your information and your password, ma’am.”“Okay, but it wasn’t me.This week alone I’ve had my house sold from underneath me, my car reported stolen, my tire slashed, my apartment trashed, and now this.Someone is impersonating me.”“I’m really sorry, ma’am.Have you called the police?”“I’m sitting with the police right now.” She gripped her phone so tight her fingers hurt.“I’m sure he’ll be in touch with you soon.His name is Detective Colton Montross.”“I’m writing this in the notes.Are you giving permission for us to speak with him about this situation?”“Yes.In the meantime, I need a new card.”“One was sent out when you cancelled the last one.” The woman’s voice was getting on her nerves.“Well, cancel it too, since I didn’t have anything to do with reporting the first one, give me a whole new number, and I’m going to change my password right now.”“Okay.What is your new password?”Anna searched her brain for something no one would guess.“I hate Dante [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
