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.Mrs.Princeton sat quietly beside her, reading.Susannah knew of no other way to force Race’s hand.He had left her no choice but to obtain legal representation in order to get the pearls.A door opened quickly, and a rather stout, gray-haired man wearing spectacles rushed over to her and bowed.“Your Grace, sorry to keep you waiting.”Susannah rose.“I didn’t mind.It gave me time to collect my thoughts.”“Come this way.”Susannah and Mrs.Princeton followed him into his office and took a seat in the chairs he offered.“Now, tell me, what I can do for you?” Mr.Rexford asked, lowering his bulky body into his large leather chair.Susannah hesitated only a moment and then handed him the folder.“These documents prove my family is the legal owner of the Talbot pearls.They are currently in the possession of the Marquis of Raceworth, and I want to see them returned to my family.”He peered at her from over the top of his spectacles as he laid his hand on top of the folder.“Hmm.Have you spoken to Lord Raceworth about this?”“Yes, more than once.He refuses to look at my evidence.”“That’s not surprising.If he examined your evidence, he would be forced to make a decision one way or the other as to the validity of your claim.”“I agree, but I have not been able to make him do that.I’m hoping you can.”The man’s small, dark eyes appeared eager as he took the folder and opened it.Susannah remained on the edge of her chair as it seemed to take the man an hour to read through the pages.He grunted every so often and mumbled to himself from time to time, but never took the time to even glance up at her.Finally he closed the folder and laid it down on his desk.He looked up at Susannah, and in a matter-of-fact tone, said, “These documents appear to be legitimate to me.I think you have a strong case that the pearls were stolen from your family.Tell me, have you shown these to the magistrate?”“No, and at this point, Mr.Rexford, I would rather not.I want this matter to be handled privately, if possible.I don’t relish the idea of personal business landing in the scandal sheets.”“I understand completely and I will do my utmost to see that doesn’t happen, Your Grace.”“My hope is that you can contact Lord Raceworth’s solicitor and handle this directly with him and not involve others.”He leaned back in his chair.It squeaked noisily.“All right, I’ll see what I can do for you, Your Grace.It might take me a few days to get back to you.First, I’ll have to find out who the marquis’s solicitor is and make an appointment with him.I’m sure he’ll want time to look at this.” He patted the folder.“And after we have spoken, I’ll be back in touch with you.”Susannah studied over what he said.“Is there something you don’t like? Just tell me.”“Those papers are all I have to substantiate my claim.I would be devastated if anything happened to them.”He held up his hands.“Don’t worry, Your Grace.I will not let them out of my sight, and I will not leave them with anyone.”Susannah let out a deep breath of relief and rose.“Thank you, Mr.Rexford, I’ll leave this in your capable hands.”Later that evening, there was no trepidation in her movement as Susannah walked up the steps to the Great Hall with Mrs.Princeton by her side.She had been eagerly awaiting the time for them to leave for the ball.The night was almost balmy, which was unusual for the month of May.A golden glow came from the massive double doors that had been thrown wide, and the sounds of lively music drifted on the heavy, damp air.At the marble landing to the entrance of the building, Susannah stopped in the doorway and looked down into the crowded ballroom.It had been so long since she’d been in the Great Hall, but judging from the swirling throng of people inside, it didn’t appear as if any part of it had changed, especially not the impeccably dressed gentlemen and the elaborately gowned ladies filling the open, spacious floor.The magnificent ballroom was lined down each side with fluted Corinthian columns.Some of the stately pillars formed little alcoves where intimate groups could shield themselves from the masses.The detailed woodwork around the ceiling was touched in gilt, and the walls were decorated with silks, brocades, and ornately painted landscapes.The enormous columns had been draped with vines of bright green ivy, colorful spring flowers, and wispy yards of white and sky blue satin.From out of the center of the crowd below, Susannah saw Race striding toward her.She turned to Mrs.Princeton, who was dressed in a dark brown gown with white lace collar and cuffs, and said, “You may feel free to enjoy your evening.I will find you when I am ready to leave.”“Thank you, Your Grace,” Mrs.Princeton said and walked away.Susannah turned back toward Race and smiled as he approached.His expression was tender, and it touched her heart.He looked splendid in his formal evening attire of a black cutaway jacket and slim-legged trousers.His crisp white shirt was covered by a gold-colored, quilted waistcoat.He stopped in front of her.His gaze skimmed down her face and then back up to her eyes, telling her with his expression that he was happy to see her.“I’ve been waiting quite impatiently for you to arrive,” he said.Susannah tilted her head back a little and smiled at him.“I didn’t know I needed to be here at any specific time.”He chuckled lightly.“The devil you didn’t.I think you were intentionally late just so I would squirm.”“Not so,” she argued good-naturedly.“I thought it was still fashionable to be late.”She felt his gaze caress her lips, and somehow she knew he wanted to kiss her.And that made her stomach tingle expectantly.“You are a beautiful lady, Susannah, and well worth the wait.I’m glad you came.”She looked into his magnificent brownish-green eyes and, without delay, said, “So am I.I haven’t been to a big party like this in many years.I intend to enjoy every moment of it.I want to dance and drink champagne.I want to smile at all the handsome gentlemen and be envious of all the beautiful ladies.”Race’s eyebrows rose, questioning her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
